Monday, November 15, 2010

I am loving this....

I am loving this weather. I really love when it gets colder outside. I would really love for it to snow. I used to be all about the summer but I hae grown to really love fall and winter. Last year we had a really big snow and it was a pain in the butt but I really kinda liked it. It would be perfect if I did not have to worry about getting to work and all of that business.
One of the girls from work was telling me that they are calling this warmer weather that we have been having an Indian Summer. I had no idea what that was until she said something about it. So I guess that it is true, you do learn something new everyday. :)

So my youngest brother, Dalten is getting his senior pics done tomorrow. Wow I really can't believe it. My Mom will no longer have kids of her own in school. Well I guess that she will since Dalten will be in college but she will not have any in school here in town. I am really feeling old at the moment. My daughter will start school next year. Ohhhhh I think that I am fixing to have a panic attack. I just get all crazy thinking about it. I know that she will be fine but I just think that she is growing up way way to fast.

Speaking of babies growing up way to fast. I got to hear the sweetest sound today. It was the sound of a baby's heart beat. A friend that I work with went to the Dr with her daughter today. She is about 101/2 weeks and they recorded the heart beat on her cell phone. OMG. It was so sweet. I really just about cried. I just love all of that. The sonos, listening to the heart beat and the whole works. Being prego is just the greatest thing ever. Oh and I got to see the pics from her sono as well. Soooooo cute. And so sweet. It just makes me want to have a baby right now. :) Hehe. I think that I missed my calling. I think that I would have went to school for OBGYN. Wouldn't it just be amazing to be there for so many births and have such a big part in it??? I think that would just be wonderful. I just love me some babies. I can't wait to see the lil sweet one in person that I saw today in pics.

Well my baby girl and I have a cartoon date in just a few so I have to get all comfy in the bed.:)

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