Monday, February 28, 2011


Well I got a lovely surprise today.... My sweet hubby came home with me a nice little gift today...He got me an iPad!!!!! I can't believe it! So Iam laying in bed right now blogging on it. I think it will takemea little bit to get used to it but I think that I will love it! Well I already know that I do love it!! I am sure that I will be up way too late playing on it tonight.:) after having such a blahh day it has ended pretty well. Visited with Mel and Michelle this evening, which was nice. We always talk about the craziest shit and laugh our asses off. Good times..god times.:)

**Monday** :(

Oh really suck! :) I feel like crappy crap today!!! My tummy and my head are killing me! Blah for this day! I am off work on Friday.:) That makes me smile!! The hubby has to take a test in Dallas and Abby and I will be going along for the ride. Abby love to travel with her Momma and Daddy!!! I am pretty excited about it. I hope to get a little shopping in too! ;) I hope the weather is nice this weekend.

Hope ya'll have a wonderful Monday....ummm if that is possible. :) Later.......

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up!!

Well well, here it is Sunday and time for the work week again. The weekends just go by way too fast!
We didn't do much Friday night. Just really hung out at the house-which was really nice. Yesterday I did some cleaning and my hubby had to work the James Lane booth at the Home and Garden Show, so I figured I would tag along and check it out. Abby changed her mind about going and wanted to stay at my Mom's instead. There was not much there so I ended up going shopping while Justin worked. It has been a while since I have been shopping by myself. It was almost a little weird. But it was nice. Good alone time. Today was busy. My Mom came over after breakfast this morning and we ripped out the tile in my bathroom and put new tile in. My Mom did most of the work. I tried to help where I could. We painted and hung up a couple new pics and stuff in there. It looks great. It took forever but we...mostly it all done today! Now on the the next project..It is never ending.
So I have not spoken about any of My Hubby's family drama for quite sometime now but I really have to vent a little. There is only so much a person can take before they blow and well...consider me blown! My husband is one of 4 kids and he has a twin brother...they are NOTHING alike... with that being said there is always some kind of drama going on. That is why we like to steer clear from all that bizz. Anywho here is the deal-Justin's Mother is what I call "a fixer", she has good intentions but it just never seems to work out for the good-they are never fixed. With people never being "fixed" and by people I mean her son-not my husband-this causes her to be an enabler. Her son-not my husband- is a drug addict among many other things and has been for years. I really believe that she thinks that she can "fix" him. Her whole life revolves around him and what she has to do for him or give him. Bless her heart, that is no kind of life for any Mother to live. And it maybe really easy for me to sit here and say cut him the eff off from the money and free range on anything and everything but really when will the time come that you wake up and see that the more you do for him the more your killing him. It is terrible for me to say this but I think that this cycle will continue until he is in jail or dead. They say that people with addictions have to hit rock bottom before they change their ways and everyones rock bottom is different. Well his just may be the death of his self or his mother. It is so sad to me that my Mother in Law has to deal with all this on a daily basis but at the same time it pisses me off because she chooses to let it all go on. I know that this shit goes on everywhere and it is a pretty "normal" thing now days but really when the hell does he plan on getting his shit together. Oh yea, he doesn't have to because his Mother will make sure it is all together for him. As for my husband, his Mom is just pushing him further and further away and I am not even sure if she has a clue what she is doing. When or if she does figure it out Justin may be past all that and it may be to late for him. I know I sounds like I have got this shit all figured out and actually I do. I have dealt with addictions my entire life. My Dad was a drunk from before I was born to the time I was about 13 or 14. I know how all this shit works. It drives me nuts and pisses me off to see my Husband upset about his twin brother being all effed up and that his Mom can't take 30 minutes just to habg out with him because she has some other bullshit to do for the kid that can't do a damn thing for himself. So I am getting to my limit. I think it is just aabout time for me to say a few things that are on my mind. I want my MIL to know that this shit that is going on is NOT normal, even if it has been going on for years. Its time for change. And I am more than ready for it. And I know my Hubby is too. Someone has got to balls up and freaking do something. So I will be all up in the business and will be calling the cops at the drop of a flippin hat to get his ass thrown in jail. I will do this until he is in there for good or moves away. It is time to put your big boy panties on and grow the fuck up!!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Work Day Fun:)

Today was a crazy day at work. First off when I got to work the smell was crazy bad! So one of the girls called her husband to come and check to see if he could find the dead rat. It took him a while, Bless his heart. But he did find it and it was huge! Ewwwww It was so damn gross!! So today my hero was Homer. He came in and saved us from the stinky ass smell!!! We all love him for that!!! After the Drs finished up with their patients we all headed to Branding Iron, which is a great BBQ place to eat at, for Jana's B-day. We have not all been able to go out to eat together in forever!!! It was very nice. I think that we should for sure do it more often! So my day started off pretty stinky:) and just got better through out the day! No more dirty ass smell-Great food with great peeps and I got to see the cutiest lil prego Momma today!!! All in all I would say that is a pretty good day!
Got off work a little after 3 and then went to pick up my sweet baby girl-who at the moment is going through a phase where she does NOT listen-:( So abby ans I spent the evening working on our listening skills!! Yea not so much fun! I can't recall her ever really going through any phases like this....and it is wearing this poor Momma out. Sometimes I am like seriously wondering what happened to my lil sweetie pie! Then she decides to come back to me and all is ok. Oh the joys of parent hood!!! I love it but it can be a bit stressful at times. I never thought that it would be easy, I am just not fully ready for all the attitude business. There is just enough room in this house for my attitude. Haha. Bless her heart. She comes by it right I guess. I guess this would be one of the times I am "payin for my raisin" With that said I will jsut go ahead and say sorry Mom! I love you!!:)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Wow, what a day! I am really glad this day is over. Nothing bad really happen to me directly but when u have friends that you consider family and something happens with them, that is pretty direct to me. I dont think that you can tell people enough what they mean to you. If it is true and honest, there are never too many I love you's! I am such a hugger and I always tell my fam I love them everytime I see or talk to them on the phone. I know that not every family is like that but we are and I love it that way. I am a very lucky woman to have such great family and friends. And I love them all very much!! With that said, I am gonna try and get some sleep.
So thankful my friend made it home safe tonight!!!


I am more than ready for Spring time. Wehave had such beautiful weather and here we are back with all this coldness!! I am not enjoying this at all!!! Can we please bring on the Spring and Summer NOW please!!!!! Man I think I have been on hold at work alllllll day long. That makes for a realllllllllly long day. Blahh. I hope that this afternoon goes by faster than this morning has! Oh yea our office smells like shit....why you ask??? Well there is a freaking dead rat in the flippin attic!!! Ewwwww. It is bad. I think that this is some karma that just found its way back to me. This weekend my Mom and I went to the Dollar Store to pick up a few things and they had the door open. Well I assumed (which you should never do) that the door was open because of the wonderfully great weather. Ummm yea not so much. I think a big ass family of rats died up in there and it was the worst smell ever!! And me being me, I could not keep my mouth shut about it. I have a hard time thinking before I speak.;) So thanks karma for allowing me to smell this nasty ass smell all the day!!!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Wonderful Day:)

I had a super wonderful day! I went to work for about an hour and a half and then left to meet up with my fam. My Mom, Abby, Memaw, Aunt Anissa, Aunt Kathleen and I all went to Lawton and did some shopping. We had so much fun! We shopped then went to eat then shopped some more!! I just love spending time with my wonderful fam!!! So back to work in the morning and I will be working a full day!:) I am very thankful that I have a boss that feels the same way I do about family or else I would not have gotten to spend the day with the girls on such a short notice.:) I am very blessed!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Friday Night...

Well it has just been Abby and I tonight. My hubby is on call and working late. I am sure that he will be worn out when he gets home. :( He has been on call all week and has not gotten called out once but I am sure that this weekend will be a different story. Which will mean he will not have a good weekend. Me on the other hand...I am planning on having a good weekend. First off...I don't have to work and that is always one good thing about the weekend. Second...I don't have any big plans, so that means that I can get some chill time in! I hope that the weather is nice all weekend so that Abby and I can get in some play time outside. She was pretty much outside all day long at my Moms today. She loves being outside. I think that I may invite the fam over tomorrow evening and grill and have a few drinks. That sounds wonderful to me. I am feel like I need a red draw:)

Go to fullsize image
Go to fullsize image

Yummy, Man that looks good! I will be picking up both of these at the store tomorrow.  You can't have a cook out without a drink or two...Right?? Yea I thought so. I just want to do it right. :)

I am taking a break form laundry and cleaning. That is pretty much all I have done since I have been home. I am tired. I think that Abby has just pretty much just made messes while I have been trying to clean. You gotta love having kids. And husbands for that matter. I think that Justin is just as bad with his mess making. :)Well I guess that I better get back to my laundry. Blahh. It is really never ending around here.

I am in Love With.....

Link up here to play along....

This Friday I am in LOVE with.........

1. Childrens Place. I just love them. I have gotten the cutest stuff for my baby girl there this week!! I got these in the mail yesterday. She was so excited.

2. The show BONES! I can't get enough of it!!!

3. I am always in love with Forrest Griffin. He is a hottie and a damn good fighter.

4. This weather is beautiful! I am loving seeing the sun shining!!!

5. I think that I may love this any day but I am really gonna love it when I get home from work!!!

Fill in the Blank Friday!!!

Want to play along?? Link up HERE! :)

1. I am:a mom, a wife, a friend, a people person most of the time, a big time Mommas girl.:) 
2. The bravest thing I've ever done was: telling my husband I kenw about his addiction and that if he did not get help he would not be a part of our daughters life.
3. I feel prettiest when: I just get out of the shower and my hair is all wet and a mess. My hubby loves it.

4. Something that keeps me awake at night is: if the house is a mess or just thinking about things that I need to be doing.
5. My favorite meal in the entire world is: anything that my Mom or Memaw fix! They are amazing cooks.
6. The way to my heart is: honesty. Honesty is a biggie for me. But I do have a thing for deep voices.:)

7. I would like to: have more motivation.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


More than ready for the weekend! This week seems like it has lasted f.o.r.e.v.e.r! Blahhh. I need more wine in my life. I need wine and a good movie...I need to relax and drink a little wine!! I think that sounds like a great Friday evening!! Any suggestions on a good bottle of wine?? Whats your fav??

Friday, February 11, 2011


I am not feeling so hot tonight. Just feel sick. And since I feel bad I am mad cause I dont want to be sick all weekend!! So I am off to bed with hope that my meds will kick in and I will be able to sleep and wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.
Tomorrow Abby says she is going to stay the night withmy Mom...(not sure she will) But Justin and I are gonna hang out and watch a movie. I am very much looking forward to it. I think a lil break would do me some good. I have been a little on edge.:( I think it has to do with the weather. All the snow, cold and no sunshine is a little depressing. I am pretty pumped about the warmer weather for the next few days.:) I think that will help me get outta my lil slump.


Love love Fridays!!! I only worked 4 days this week but still very happy about the weekend!!!
So I had the best lil conversation with my baby girl today. She has been wanting a Frog Pillow Pet sooooo bad. She has like 3 or 4 of them so far but not the frog. I have looked all over town and other towns for it and have not been able to find it. Sooo earlier this week I ordered her one on line. They were actually in stock!!! Yay. So I had it shipped to my Moms house since she is there during the day and she got it today! I told my Mom to have Abby call me as soon as she got it so I could be on the phone while she opened it. She was so excited. I put her on speaker phone and Steph and I listened to her freak out.:) It was sooooo cute. Oh it is the small stuff that means the most! I just love doing things like that for my lil sweet baby!!! So no matter what I will be having a big-o smile on my face!!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Omg. This snow gives me the blahhhhs. Ughhh, I am so sick of it. I need sunshine and warmth to live and this snow bizz is just not working out for me!! I stayed home from work today with Abby. We laid around and watched Toy Story all day long. She is all about Toy Story right now...The movies,the toys,the games. That is all she can think about. Haha. Justin and I are glad we are past all the Dora crap. Toy Story is much much better.:)
I am ready for work in the morning. Missing my friends.:( I hope my hubby don't have to work this weekend. It would be nice to be able to spend sometime with him. He has been so busy at work because of the freezing temps..The extra money is always good but sucks not getting to see him very much. Abby is missing him too. I have high hopes that the hubby and I will get some alone time this weekend. Maybe a little pre Valentine get together!;) Sooo wish me luck!
Time for bed. Gotta get up early and take my baby girl out to my Momma's house. :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well it has been a pretty busy couple of days for me at work...Actually I think we have all been pretty busy. Since there were days last week that we were off it got a lil backed up...and now there is more blizzard activity going on! Ughhhh I am so past all this snow stuff. I hate it!!
So I was in a very odd funk today. Not really sure what my deal is. I think I cried a total of 52 times today!! Not kidding! I would be fine one second and then be tearing up the next. Hormones can really jack you up....well that is what Im gonna blame it on anyway. ;) I hope that tomorrow is different. All the crying kinda wears me out. Needless to say I am tired and ready for bed. I hope to be able to wake up in the morning and NOT see a flippin blizzard out my window!!!! If I do I might just cry!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


After being off work from the blizzard I am ready to go back in the morning. I have been missing my working friends!!:) I am sure it will be a very busy week for me since I was off for four days but I am ready to get back into the swing of things!!!
I had a good weekend. I have been smiling since the snow melted! I am very thankful for the sunshine!!! It was pretty much just Abby and I this weekend. The hubby was busy working all weekend. Bless his heart. He worked till about 230 this morning then he was called back out at 930 this morning and made it home just before the football game started. So with all of that in mind he is asleep!!
Lets Go Green Bay!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just in time for the weekend

I got my water back yesterday! Thank goodness and there was no pipes that busted. That is something that made my day!! I am so happy to have water back in my kitchen and laundry room. I don't think that I have ever been so happy to do laundry and get all the dishes done:) I now have a clean kitchen and I am working on all the laundry!! My plan is to get it all done this morning and then start on Abby's room! It is a mess.

Yesterday Abby and I made Valentine cards. We had such a good time. It was a mess with all the glitter but it was a fun mess. I think that we will finish up the card making today and then I can get it all cleaned up...if that is possible. Glitter is a pain to clean up.

I am so ready for tonight. We are renting the UFC fights and it is a awesome fight card. I am soooo ready. Thennnnn tomorrow is the big game!!! Yay, I just love football. I am gonna be cheering for the Packers. I would rather be cheering for the Cowboys but not this year I guess. I am sure that it will be a great game and if not there will be some really good commercials. :) This is the only time ever that I really enjoy the commercials. So all around gonna be a good weekend.

Just want to throw in that I am so so happy to see the sun today.  And the high is going to be in the 40's!! That is super! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Dayssss

Today was my 3rd day off work from the damn ice and snow. I love being home and spending time with my baby girl but we are sick and tired of being cooped up in this house!!! And they are saying that there is more headed our way! Are you freaking kidding me???? As soon as my lil girl is asleep I am popping the top on a bottle of wine and then I will go to sleep. All this snow and ics shit is stressful. And the fact that we still don't have water in the kitchen and laundry room really chaps my ass. My poor hubby has been working his butt off and that tends to make him a lil bit on the hmmm bitchy side.:( So please please enough with the snow and ice already!! My plans for tomorrow....pray that the pipes thaw....and do not bust!!! I will be having to keep my good eye on that crap all day long. I really am not in the mood for a flooded house at the moment. While I am keeping my good eye on the water stiuation I am gonna clean Abbys room from top to bottom!! That will take all day I am sure, since she will be helping me. I will be putting stuff up...she will be dragging it back out. Sounds fun right?? She will have a blast with it. Man this stuff has got to melt sometime. I hope tomorrow is the day! Come on sun...let me see you shine!!!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days

I have been off for two days because of the damn snow and ice and tomorrow will make three. It is nuts. I have been enjoying the time with my baby girl but really getting sick of being stuck in the house!! I decided today that I am more than ready for spring to get here!!! Bring on the sunshine and warmer temps please!! Not really sure what Abby and I are gonna do tomorrow. The hubby has to work. But I do know that whatever we do we will be in this house. I think that we have watched every cartoon made on Nick Jr and played 52 different games. And being stuck inside for a few days can be a lil depressing as well!:( I need sun light and warmth and without it I am a little on put it nicely. I hope tomorrow this crap clears up and things can start to get back to normal around here. Time for some sleep. I hope. I have not been sleeping good the past few nights. I hate that. Why is it that some people can go to sleep as soon as their head hits the pillow and others lay there forever wishing they could do that??? Well my hubby is the one who falls asleep as soon as he lays down and me...well I lay in bed thinking about things that really don't matter and never really get to that "good sleep" stage. Maybe one day the tables will turn and I will be able to go to sleep with the quickness.:)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So Proud

Today was a very special day for my Aunt Kathleen. Today marked 2 years that she has not had a drink! I called her and told her how proud that I am that she has accomplished so much in such a short time.  I did not have this blog 2 years ago, so I will give you tell some of the story.

First of all my Aunt Kathleen was my favorite Aunt from day one. She is my Mothers Sister. She has always been the life of the party, an animal lover and just a great person all the way around. She never met a stranger. I can't really say what started her addiction because I really don't know. She was a young, skinny little hottie that worked in a drug store in a very small town. She met a man that was A LOT older than her and "fell in love" they married. He had already been married and had a son that was just a maybe 5 years older than my Aunt and he did not want anymore children. He was one of those men that just wanted a trophy wife. He would work and she would do everything else for him, when he said to do it and that was just how it was going to be. They were married for several years and she finally talked him into having kids. She was so happy. They had two children a boy and a girl. She was the best Mom and Wife that I have ever seen, that is next to my Mom. But something that many did not know is that she was so very miserable in her marriage. He was a pig. There was verbal abuse and I have no idea what else. By just being on the outside you would have never known. She was a very good actress. She stuck it out. I am not sure why...I don't think that it really matters at this point but she did. He was offered an amazing job in Cali and they were off to better themselves. All she had know her whole life she was leaving behind. She was brave. I could not have done that. Maybe she was scared inside...I will never know. I think that once they moved there and both of the kids were in school she was alone a lot. He did not want her to have a job. Her job was to take care of him and the house. When he got home from work, she better have things in order and waiting on him. I think that during the day she started drinkin...maybe to pass the time...maybe she was sad alone and did not have to pretend while there was no one around and that hurt her. It just progressed and progressed. I remember living at my Mom's house, still in high school and she would call at like 3 or 4 in the morning to just chat with me. It broke my heart. She was that woman other than my Mom that I looked up to for so many years and now I was more responsible than she was. She was sick. She was sick with something that I could not help her with and she did not want to hear about it either. I still tear up just thinking about this.  After several years there her husband was transferred to Utah. By this time her youngest daughter was 11 or 12 and was out of control. She was in gangs and hanging out with seniors in high school. She was a sick little girl. Kathleen and her husband divorced. Since she was drinking she became this person that she never was before and she was able to tell him to fuck off. She got a job and I thought that things were looking up for them. Her husband got transferred to Utah not too long after the divorce and Kathleen decided that she would transfer there as well so that the kids could still see their Father. As outta control as their daughter was I thought that the move would be good for all of them. My Aunt had met this great guy and he was trying to take care of her. He did his best to keep her sober and on the right track but when someone is determined to do something there is very little that can stop them. He still was there for her when she called on him to help her out, bless his heart. She ended up going down hill fast. Her children that did live with her soon moved in with their Father because they were worn out from trying to take care of her and her daughter was soon going to be where she was is she did not get out of there. We all decided to write letters to her. She was no longer taking our calls at this point. So we wrote letters and poured our hearts out to her. Begging her to come home and we would get her some help...and we got nothing.
    It was not until my Papa, her Daddy, was very sick in hospice that she finally came up home. She did not stay but she did come home for a couple of days to say good bye to her Daddy. I think that is what in the end made her come back home for good. We were all going through so much with my Papa being so ill, we did not confront her on her problems. I think that she actually claimed that she was sober at the time and she was not. She did get to speak to my Papa before he was unable and that was a good thing. My Papa later told my Mother that "Kat" would find her own way if we just give her time she will be home with us. It was very hard for my Mom to believe at the time.  My Aunt Kathleen left Texas and headed back to Utah before my Papa passed away and did not make it back for the funeral. Not long after the funeral she was hospitalized for drinking related complications. Her friend Dave, the only friend that she had came to her rescue. As soon as she was able he drove her to Texas and brought her home. She was a very, very, sick woman. After she came home she was still very sick. She ended up having to be care flighted to Dallas one evening and they were not sure if she would make it. She had huge blood filled cyst on her pancreas. She spent weeks in the hospital and with lots and lots of prayers and wonderful Dr's she is alive today.

They told her that if she ever had another drink the rest of her life it would be her last. She has been sober for TWO years today and I am so proud of her. There are some that never get the chance to get sober. I am so thankful that she did. She is such a wonderful woman. She is the Aunt that I remember her being when I was younger. She is in love with my daughter and my daughter is in love with her. Thank you GOD for giving my Aunt the strength and courage to accomplish the things that she has in her life. So it is true...sometimes people can change....sometimes.

I love you so much Aunt Kat!!!

Bad Weather Day

Was home from work today due to the blizzard!! It was nice. Just Abby, the Hubby and I hanging out all day. We watched cartoons played gold fish and laid in bed all day. I really love days like this. But on the other hand I really do like to get outta of the house ever once in a while and that was not able to happen today. I am soooo scared to drive in the ice and snow. I panic. So I am very thankful that I have a boss that did not make me come in today. As for tomorrow we are closed. I guess that the 3 patients that were on the schedule decided that they better hold off for their scope. :) My paycheck will be pretty sad but I am home safe and sound with my fam!:) That is all that matters to me. The rest will just fall into place. Tomorrow I am hoping that the roads will get better around here so that maybe I can venture out or at least my Mom can venture out because Abby is having withdrawals. She is so used to seeing her Mapaw everyday and she does not like it when she does not get to see her!!! And my Mom loves every bit of that. ;) I am just blessed that we live close to my fam so that we are able to see them permitting.