Thursday, December 23, 2010

This and That

Work is dragging by today. I knew that it would but I was really hoping that it would just fly by....Haha not happening. I have been so ready for Christmas but really it has gotten here so fast. I think that it is just crazy. Another thing that is really freaking me out is that my baby girl's b-day is in 19 days!!!! OMG!!! She will be 5 years old in 19 flippin days. What the heck is all that about. Why must they grow up so fast??? So now not only have I been thinking about Christmas, I have been thinking about birthday stuff. Blahhhh. She has decided that she wants a Jesse (from toy story 3) birthday. So now I am on the look out for all that stuff. :) I don't think that it should be possible to have a child in the month on January or December. For real. Christmas then Birthday or Birthday then's just not right. Not right at all. I always fret about her birthday. And I have decided that I am NOT going to do that this year. I am not going to make sure that everyone can be there-check and see if they have to work or not. I am just going to plan it and if they show up then they do and if they don't then they don't. In the past years I have tried so hard to make sure that everyone could come and it just wore me out. So no more of that crap for me. I just want her to have a good time and I would like to have a good time as well. So next week I will pick a date and set it all up. There will be no changes!!! I am sticking to my guns on this. I need less stress in my life...less worries.
So this year we have decided to stay Christmas Eve night at my Mom's house. I think that it will be easier this way. We will not have to drag Abby away from her toys that she got from Santa to run out there and open gifts. And I am pretty sure that my whole family is pumped that they are going to get to be there when Abby gets her Santa stuff. And my Mom told me this morning that my Step Dad is planning this big deal where he is going to get up on the roof in a Santa outfit and be climbing in the chimney and have my brothers video it and have that waiting for her that morning. He does something all crazy every year. He just cracks me up. She is full of stories about things that my Pops has done. Very , very cute. She really adores him and I think that he might like her a little too!! so needless to say I am pretty positive that we will have a wonderful time!! Then Christmas Day we will head to my Memaw's house for some great home cooking and a super time with the fam!! I think that we will pretty much spend the day out there and then on our way home from there we will hit up my Daddy's house and do all the gift business with him!! Overall we have a busy holiday but it is tradition and I love it. I don't ever want to change a thing about it. I love love love going to my Memaw's on
Christmas Day. I have been doing that for the past 27 years and I am not all about changing that!! And I am only 27!! Hahaha.
I have been really missing my Papa. I miss him all the time but I miss him 500 times more when we have family gatherings at my Memaw's house. When we pull up at my Memaw's I just expect to see him come walking out the the shop, smoking a cigarette while coming to give us all hugs. And as soon as that does not happen, every time that I go out there I just tear up. It is like it breaks my heart all over again. :( I know that he is gone and I miss him all the time. I think about him all the time, so I don't understand why I have to put myself thru that every time I go out there. Maybe over time I will not expect him to come walking out of the shop but then again maybe that is just my little few seconds of goodness each time. Either way I love him so much and I know that he is watching over me day in and day out. :)
Well I guess that is it for now. I will try and post some pics tonight of a wonderful gift that I was given by a wonderful person!!!:)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Shopping

I am about to head to Wichita and finish up all my Christmas shopping. I am really not a big fan of shopping but I have to get it all done today. I am not looking forward to it at all. I am sure that everywhere we go will be a mad house. Wish me luck!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

fill in the blank friday

Link up here to play!

1.   Giving is the best part of this time of year. I would much rather give than receive. I love seeing the look on my daughters face when she opens her gifts. That is the best gift that I could ever get. :)
2.  Receiving is  ok, but I would rather be on the giving end of things.:)

3.  The best gift I ever received was when I was about 7 or 8 and I came running down the stairs on Christmas morning to find a lil cocker spaniel crawling out from under the Christmas tree. I will never, ever forget that. I named him Tommy!!:)
4.  The best gift I ever gave was naming my daughter Abigail, when I was born my Papa nick-named me Abigail
5.  Something intangible that I wish I could receive is being crafy. My Memaw is the most crafty person that I know. She can take nothing and make something that everyone would want. :)

7.  The one gift I always wanted as a child, but never got was my Dad to be there and be a part of all the gifts and Santa. When I spent Christmas Eve with him he always had my Nanna take care of it all. At that time he was too busy drinking. He missed out on a lot of good times. I will never forget what was most important to him at that time in his life. :(
6.  Something intangible that I wish I could give is the happiness that  I experienced on the day that my daughter was born. I think that everyone should get to feel that kind of happiness and love at least once in their liftime.:) 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Secret Santa 3

I love my Secret Santa!!! Whoever it is knows the way to my heart is my baby girl smiling!!!! Check out what I got today!!!

**I love all the different gift bags** 

**Cute lil snowman dish**

**lip gloss**

You should know that I am addicted to all lip gloss and chap stick!

**it was full of my fav**

**another good smelling candle**

**I think that I am going to start collecting snowmen**

**beautiful, pink, super soft gloves**

** I love me some bath stuff**

Abby got a sack full of stuff too. She was very excited when I came home with her "own" gift!!

**candy bracelets, rings and lip stick**

**a cute cute lil cross necklace**
Abby is always looking for more jewelery to add to her collection!:)

Here is a pic of the tag on the gift bag!! I just love, love that they included Abby in my gifts. That really means a lot to me and her too!! 

**so sweet**

Here is a pic of everything together! We are very happy girls tonight!!
Thank you Secret Santa...whoever you maybe:)

**All smiles here**

Work is moving a little slow for me today!! I am pretty busy but it is not making the day go by any faster.:( I am ready got the week to come to an end and have a couple days off. I have to finish up all my Christmas shopping and get it all together. I only have one more gift for to get for Abby. I am going to get her a Hello Kitty bike. She will be so excited. I can't wait.:) Christmas Day is always the best, just seeing her face is priceless!!!!

Omg, my head is killing me. They are doing some construction next door and they are doing something with some kind of tar crap. The smell is terrible. I am sick to my stomach and have a awful headache.:( It sucks!!!


This is what I get to look at while I am at work!! I love my baby girl!!! Miss her so much while I am at work.
Sweet Baby Girl

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wee Bit Wednesday

Want to play along? Link up here! :)
{one} did you buy a christmas tree this year?
No, I have the same one that I had last year. :)

{two} what is your favorite holiday tradition?
Letting my daughter open her Christmas PJ's on Christmas Eve.:)

{three} do you open your gifts on christmas eve or christmas day?
One gift on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas Day.:)
{four} at what age did you stop believing in santa claus?
Heck, I still believe!:)
{five} do you fill stockings?
Oh yea!! I love filling the stockings. So fun!!:)
{six} handmade presents or store bought presents?
Both. :)

{seven} do you have a favorite christmas meal?
For sure. Always at my Memaw's house with the traditional food(ham, turkey, dressing) :)
{eight} is your christmas tree real or artificial?
{nine} what is your favorite christmas song?
I guess Frosty the Snowman. My daughter has been singing for a week, so I have become fond of it. :)
{ten} did you send out christmas cards this year?
Not yet....I still have time!!:)

**Secret Santa 2**

So I think that I have the best Secret Santa EVER!!!!!
Here is what I had waiting on my desk when i got to work this morning. :)

**excited to add this to my collection**
**Sugar Cookie**

**Justin will think that I have been baking when he gets home**

**It was full when I got it**

**This could become an everyday deal for me**
**So Sweet**

And just to let ya ll know I have very much enjoyed it!!
I think that this is going to be a great night!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

**Secret Santa**

At work this week we are doing Secret Santa!!! So much fun! I have no idea who has my name this year but they are doing a great job picking out gifts. I did not take a pic of my gift yesterday and it is at my Mom's house so I will show you what I got today. I just love them!!

*This is what my gift was in*
*How cute is that*
*This smells so good*
*This looks so cute on my tree*
I will post pics tomorrow of what I got on Monday. I can't wait to see what I get tomorrow. :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

For sure a Monday=)

Glad that Monday is out of the way and we are one day closer to Friday. Work was pretty busy and that made the day go by fast. I got of a little after 5 today and I was headed home. When I took the exit to my house I noticed this guy in some kind of ford car on my A.S.S. I really think that he was rubbing the back bumper of my car. Yea that is how close he was. So I am looking in my mirror trying to figure out who the hell this guy is and what he is doing and I am coming up on a stop I start to slow down like I do everyday on my way home, before I even got to the damn stop sign the jackass honks his horn at me. WTH??? Hello, I don't know what you usually do at stop signs but I S.T.O.P.  at them. I stopped at the intersection and then went on my way with the guy on my ass the entire way home. I don't know why but when someone is on your ass it just makes you want to slow down even more or maybe just slam on the breaks and see if the fucker is paying attention. I don't know what his hurry was but I hope that down the road he got pulled over and got a nice, early Christmas gift. :) Merry Christmas to you, Mr. I love riding random people's asses for no other reason than just to be an idiot!!! I really hate when things like that happen.

Well I guess that I am off to bed. I would like to try and not hit snooze 52 times in the morning. Haha. I have never been the one that hits snooze but the past few weeks I think that I have hit it every single morning. I need to get some more rest...I think. Maybe not so much sleep but just relax and rest. Yes I think that sounds really good....To bad that I can't just do that whenever I want to!! Yea that would be because I am a MOM!!! Full-time job X  2 for this lady here. And my husband thinks that he works a lot. Hahaha. Well how about trying to work 24 hours a day-7 days a week for the last almost.....5years. Yea he could not even do it. Hell he would not even attempt it for that matter. L.A.Z.Y.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why does the weekend have to end??

I don't think that I will ever understand why the weekend has to go by so damn fast!!! I guess whether I understand it or not it happens so I just need to get over it. :( So with the weekend over, it is back to work in the AM and I am not looking forward to it. One fun thing about this work week is that we are doing our Secret Santa thing! So it should be nice. I am just ready for Christmas to get here and so is my baby girl. She is on the count down just like every other kid in the world. I miss all the fun and excitedness that Christmas used to be when I was a kid. Being an adult you have to stress with all the gift buying and money. It kinda takes the fun out of it all. I can say that I love Christmas morning when I see Abby's face, her eyes all lit up and smiling from ear to ear. Seeing that reminds me of when I was little. Seeing her excitement makes it all worth while-the stressing out! I did not go overboard this year. I am very proud of myself. I still have to get Abby a bike and I will pick that up this weekend. After I get the bike I will be all done shopping with her, I think. I really need to make a list. It is crazy, I really don't have a memory for shit these days. I don't know what the deal is. I just feel like I will not be able to remember anything unless I write it down. Oh well I guess that is just part of life, I just thought that it would come later.

Next Saturday I have a little "me" time planned and it is really much, much needed. I never get anytime alone or just to hang out and have a drink. Next Saturday I am going to hang out with Melanie my sis-in-law and her girlfriend Michelle, my other sis-in-law. We are going to chill at their house and I am going to bring some nice fruity drinks!! I am so ready. I always have a good time when I am with them. They are hilarious. And when the three of us get together there is never any quite time or a dull moment. We are talkers to say the least. I hope that this will be just what I need-a little pick me up right before the holidays. My husband gets free time and "me" time almost everyday and for sure every week. So I think that it is about damn time that I get some for myself. I think that everything should be 50-50 in a relationship and that includes free time aka "me" time. I know that there are some men out there that don't think that way. Hell I would even go as far as to say that most men don't think that way. I am hear to tell you that if things are not 50-50 in a relationship or marriage that someone will start to resent the other one. And that is a hard thing to get past. I don't know if it is even possible. Well I am sure that it is possible but you know what I mean. For someone who is a grudge holder it is really hard. And that would be me. I am a grudge holder-not something that I am proud of, but it is what it is. Let's just say that I am a work in progress.
**Not too soon though**

Busy Morning..

I have had a busy morning and I am sure that it will be busy on in to the night. I have so much laundry to do. You would think that I run  cleaners or something. Sometimes I don't mind doing laundry but I really have not been in the mood the past week so I am really having to make up for some lost time.
On top of all the laundry Abby and I had to get in her room and clean it up. Wow. I did not realize that she had so many toy and stuff that she does not play with. I told her that we need to make room for all the new things that Santa will bring her and all the other gifts that she will get for Christmas. Now we can actually close the lid on her toy box and her room is spotless. I love the feeling of a clean house. I just wish that I had that feeling. Haha. I think that the more I clean in one room the more Abby and Justin mess up in another. That  gets old really really fast.

We are having my brothers Birthday party today and I am really excited. I finally get to meet the "girlfriend" he has been spending so much time with. Abby has met her. The day that she met her we were on our way home and Abby said, "Mom, Jessica is waaayyyy prettier than Jesse!" (Jesse from Toy Story3) Hehe. I thought that was so cute. I figure that is Abby like her then I will too. Dalten is such a sweetie pie. Really both of my brothers are. I am a very very blessed sister.  I will have to take some pics at the party today and post some. I have not posted any recently. I will also take some pics of our Christmas tree.

Well I better get off here and get ready for the party. I think that the party will put me in a better mood......I hope.

Friday, December 10, 2010

What a night.

We missed the damn parade. I think that I was more upset than Abby was. Hehe. She is not all about the loud ass cop cars and firetrucks, so really she did not mind. Instead we grabbed some McDonalds(not my fav) and are just chilling at the house. My Dad and Step Mom came by to visit for a little bit this evening, which was really nice. I don't get to see them as often as I would like. I used to be such a Daddy's Girl. I guess that I still am in a way, but I just don't get to spend much time with him. They live in Vernon, which is not that far away, but they are busy working and stuff. It is just hard for us to get together as often as we should. I miss spending time with my Daddy. Every other weekend he used to come and get me and we should go spend the day together. Miss that a lot. Sometimes I just want to spend time with just my Dad and no one else. And I am not being mean or anything but I would just love to be able to do that again. I think that I need to have a heart to heart with him. :)
I don't know if it is just because it's that time of the month or what but I am really an emotional mess. And well it just really sucks. One second I am crying-then laughing-then pissed. I am feel just a little bit on the crazy side. I think that I may need a little wine with my xanax tonight. Hehe. No really I think that I may. If it was not that time of the month I would think that I was knocked up with the way that I have been feeling. No fun at all.
I think that I need some inspiration in my life. I need something to inspire me. I just need something. I am no the search and I am not having any luck at all. I think that I am searching in all the wrong places. Hell maybe I should not even be searching at all. I am in this place where I want to find myself. I think that I have lost "myself" within the past few years and I want "me" back. I know that I am a Mother and that is all I seem to know these days. And don't get me wrong I love every second of being a Mother. She is my world. I love her to death. I would be lost without her. And I think that part of my problem is that when my Mom decides to watch Abby for whatever reason, I'm just bored and lost. Damn I think that I am sounding a little bit pathetic. Does all this even make sense to anyone??? So maybe I am crazy. I need time. Time to think.

Fill in the Blank Friday

Want to play along? Link up here!

1. I wish I could win the lottery...and never have to work again. :)

2. Yesterday I worked,picked up Abby,Ate supper at my Mom's house, Came home got int he bed and watched Eclipse.

3. Today I will go to the Christmas Parade and I hope get some house cleaning done.

4. Tomorrow I will Clean house and do laundry and I am sure that it will take all damn day. :(

5. Maybe take a nap...I hope.

6. Someday I will not be so stressed.

7. I love my sweet baby girl, my husband, wonderful family, my dogs,(even though they are worthless) the UFC and football.


So work is really dragging by today. I think it is because I am so ready to get home and get my damn house clean. I have not felt like doing anything at all this week and if you look at my house you can tell. :( So I am really hoping that I get in the cleaning mood sometime tonight. I think tonight at 7 we are going to the Christmas Parade in town. Not really sure if it will be a good time or not but I guess that we will check it out and see. I am really not feeling to great today. I had flippin cramps all night last night. Yes I know TMI. But really I was almost in tears. And no I am not a baby ass that can't handle some pain either. Haha. Oh and when I get off work today I have to go shopping for my brothers b-day gift. I hate going places after I get off work. I just like to go pick up the little one and head to the house. But I am gonna suck it up and go out there with all the crazies. I still have some Christmas shopping to do and I am really not looking forward to it at all. I have to get Abby a few more things, not sure what but I have to figure something out and pretty quick. Next week at work we are doing a secret Santa thing where everyday of the week you bring a little gift for your person. And well, I have to buy all that business this weekend too. I really hate waiting until the last minute to get these things done. And I am tired of stressing over it all. So my plan is to get it all done this weekend and not have to worry with any of it again. Hehe. Yea right, like that will happen. But I really am going to try my best to get as much as I can done. I really hope that I start feeling better so that I can at least try and get a few things done.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Movie Time

I just now watched Eclipse. OMG!!!! I freaking loved it. So now I think that I will have to watch all of them all over this weekend. And I am thinking that I am going to reread the books too. I can't wait for the next movies to come out. Good Stuff all around. Man I really had forgotten about all the hotties in Twilight.  :) That makes me enjoy them even more.
Can I be her just one time??
Ok can I be her just 2 times?:)


Can I lick him??
I can't forget him!!
Holy Goodness........;)
Well it is time for bed. Actually it is was past my bed time. I am usually in bed with the chickens. Not tonight tho! I had to watch it.

Oh Yea one more thing I am SOOOOO happy that tomorrow is Friday. Hope that everyone has a wonderful day!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hump Day :)

I am glad that I only have two days left in this week. I am ready for the weekend. I think that I say that several times a week. I live for the weekends. I am sure that everyone who is luck enough not to have to work on the weekends thinks the same way.

Got off work about an hour early today and I love that. Went to get my baby girl at my Mommas house and stayed out there for supper since the hubby was working late. We just got home a little bit ago and I am really really excited about spring break. My Step Dad and I got all the info about the vacation that we are taking. :) We were planning on going to Jamaica but since we waited a little bit too late to schedule it they are all booked up on spring break so we have decided to go to Antigua!! I am so excited. It looks so beautiful. I can't wait. The fact that I will be on a beautiful beach with all the free drinks possible makes freak just a little. F.U.N!!!! That is all I can think about. Justin is not going with us because he is scared of flying. :( So Abby and I will be going with my Mom, Step Dad and brothers. So I think that I may just have to P.A.R.T.Y with my lil bros. :) Well I just got of the phone with my Step Dad and he said that he is going to go and set it all up tomorrow. Wow. I am so pumped. I have not been anywhere. And I am being serious. I have been no where. So I am ready to have some fun and see some new sights. I am ready for work in the morning so that I can put in my request to be off for a week!!!I hope that no one else has put in for that time off. That would really suck. But I am sure that it will all work out.

I can't wait to have pictures like these of my own!! Abby and I are going to have a blast. It is now time to save money and I will be on the count down to spring break!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Little of This and a Little of That

  • First Happy Birthday to my wonderful Baby Brother, Dalten!!!! I love you so much. Dalten turned the big 1 8 today. I am so happy that he is not doing the things that I was at 18!! Thank the Lord for that. I am sure that my Mom is more happy about that than I am!!:) Man I am feeling a bit old today. I have always said that age was just a number and did not mean a thing but I am starting to think that the reason I said that was because I was young. I am only 27 years old and yes I said only...I will be 28 in March and for some reason I thought that I was 26 fixing to be 27. So I am a little disappointed about that. So I really may end up being that girl that has a really hard time with age...I guess only time will tell.
  • I have been in a funk this week and I could have possibly been in one last week as well(some may say) Thanks for that Steph. :) Anywho, I am not sure what the deal is. I guess is could be just the normal stress that comes along with the holidays. I wish that is was not so stressful. I love this time of year. Well I think I do. I really don't act like I do. Hell I really don't know anymore. I do know that I don't' like worrying about what gifts to get for certain peeps, that shit wears me out. And I know that it is the thought that counts and that is how I think and believe but you know as well as I do that there are people out there that will bitch and moan about the gift that they received. So RUDE!!! I think that the true meaning of Christmas is so lost in all this money and gift shit. I think that the gifts should just really be for the kids. Santa...for the kids. I just want to make sure that the kiddos have a wonderful Christmas, that is all that matters to me. I will say that I may go a little overboard with buying Abby gifts, but she is my one and only and that is what is most important to me. I mean it is wonderful getting gifts for Christmas as an adult but really I don't feel it is something that HAS to be done. That is just how I feel about it. :) Take it or leave it.
  • So I think I got of track a bit with that...Yes I am in a funk and I think that it is a combination of many things. I just hope and pray that it does not stick around for very much longer. Sorry to my co-workers for not being myself the past week...or two(some would say) hehehe. I am going to try and work on this funk and nip it in the bud. Haha. Every time I say or hear that saying I think of marijuana. Yea I know that is random. And probably not a good thing. But really if you want to take care of business, you want to nip it in the BUD!!
  • Question.....Why do employers not believe in Christmas bonuses??? That really just amazes me. You would think that most all employers would want to give something to their employees for working hard all year long. Something just to say Merry Christmas!
  • Question....Would you rather your employer put together a Christmas party or give a bonus??? I am just curious!:)
  • Question....Does your employer give a bonus or Christmas party or both??? I am taking a little personal poll here. :) Thanks.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Just kinda a blah day today. Work was work and Abby and I have been hanging out together this evening. Justin is working late tonight, which is not that bad since Christmas is right around the corner.:) I am sure that he is tired and ready to be home tho.
I can't believe Christmas is almost here. Wow time has just flown by. I wish the work weeks went by that fast!
Speaking of flying by, did we even have a weekend??? I had planned on getting so many thingsdone this weekend and I did not get anything done. Saturday I think we only left the house one time. My allergies were killing me so I just laid around all day! And thank goodness Abby was game for laying around with me. I think she was still not up to par from being sick last week. I think we are both on the road to recovery!!:)
Hope this week goes by as fast as the weekend did!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Time to blog??? Why yes, I think I will.

Wow. It has really been forever. I have just been so busy I have not had time to do anything and really I have not felt like doing anything. This week was really long and I was home with a sick lil girl on Monday. :( She is feeling better but still not up to par. And how about some good news for my Friday....Now I am sick and feel like poop. I was feeling pretty bad on Monday and then I was feeling better through the week and of course now that it is Friday I am going to be freaking SICK!! Blahhh. I hate being sick. I have so many things to do around the house this weekend. I really don't have time for all this sickness. But when you are a Mother you don't get sick days. For some unknown reasons the Dads always seem to get one when they are sick. Man that is so not fair. I need to be in my warm bed with lots of good movies, some tissue and lots and lots of medication!! But at the moment I am awake with my daughter and my husband is in bed asleep. Something is not adding up correctly. Ok I vented enough about all that. :)

Thanksgiving was wonderful. We went to my Dad's house for lunch that day and visited for a while and ate some great food then we went to my Memaw's house. I absolutely love going to my Memaw's house! I just love being out in the country with no one around or miles and miles, it's like I don't have a care in the world for the time that I am out there. I am such a country girl at heart. I would love nothing more than to live in the country on a farm!!! That would be so wonderful. Maybe some day I will be able to have that. :) I love the simple things. It's make life so much easier that way.  Back to Thanksgiving...All my fam was there and we had the best time together. I love when we all get together. Abby loves getting to spend time with everyone and she is always the center of attention...and she likes it just a little bit. I have the best family in the whole world. I am not kidding. I just love each and everyone of them so much.  I can't wait till Christmas! It is almost here and Abby and I are both more than ready. Well I still have some shopping to do but other than that I am ready. :)

So I have been reading a book that my friend Stephanie let me borrow and I just can't stop thinking about it!!

I am almost finished with it. I just love it. This is a great book for anyone to ready. It is really inspirational!! Last night after Abby and Justin were asleep, I was laying in bed ready and just balling my eyes out. :( It just really makes you think about things in your life and what is most important to you. I suggest that you ready this if you have not. I am not a reader at all and I will read this again!! Good stuff.  I think that I am fixing to crawl into bed and get all cozy and finish it now.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thank God This Is A Short Week

I woke up this morning ready to take on this day and the rest of my work week but it did not take long for me to change my mind about all of that. :( I still can't really put my finger on what made my day so damn crazy but it was and I am glad that I am at home relaxing. :) I hope that tomorrow is a better and less crazy day. I guess because it is a short work week for me, I have more to do. I am not sure but I am ready to do it and get it all over with. I am ready to see my fam, eat good food and watch some great football!!

I just seen the greatest thing ever. I want this!!! This is so me. And I would love a purse like this as well. Thanks to Micaela for posting this link on your blog. I love it. I think that I will end up having to buy that for myself!! Other than that there are some other really cute things.

I think that I am in need of some alone time!!! Seriously. I am going a little crazy. I need a glass, ok maybe a bottle of wine and a hot bath with no baby girl and no husband!!!! Is that really too much to ask for??? I think that I deserve a night alone. Man that would be so wonderful. I guess that I will have to talk to my Mom and see what I can do!! Anyone have any suggestions on some good wine?? Let me know!! And I will go and buy a case of two!!! :)

As I was looking through pics that had to do with wine and bubble baths I found this cute one and thought that I would share it too!!

So I was just looking at ways to relax at home and found a few things that I thought that I would share. And maybe I will have time to try a few out.....I hope.

Keep a daily journal. Journaling has long been a way for people to "dump" their problems. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Just grab a notebook and start writing. Taking ten or fifteen minutes at the end of the day to write out your thoughts can be helpful in releasing stress you'd ordinarily keep pent up inside.

I do that on here. Not everyday but almost. And it is nice just to sit and type. But I think that I need more. And really there is only so much that you want any and everyone to know. :) And who wants to read all about Debbie Downer??
Painting is a great way to relax. Watercolors are especially recommended because there is no "right" way to use them. Allow your mind to relax as you move the brush over the paper and paint away your stress. Think and paint like a child, by letting the colors flow and mix together.

I don't really think that I am very creative and I am not sure how well this would work relaxing me with my 4 year old around. Hehe.

Escape into a different world with a good book. The fictional world can be a great way to escape from the pressures of motherhood for half an hour or so.

I have never been much of a reader until Steph turned me on to Twilight and I feel in love. I think that I was more relaxed while reading all the books. I will just have find something that I can get into!

Lavender, vanilla, sandalwood and spearmint are soothing scents to look for when purchasing special candles. The simple act of lighting a candle creates a soothing environment for you to relax in.

I am surprised not to see Xanax on this list!:) Hehe. That is what I tend to use when I am all stressed out and can't relax. ;)

Now that I am all educated on how to relax at home, I guess that I will go and clean up and see what my baby girl is getting into. She can't sit still for five minutes. And she is being very quite at the moment and no good ever comes form that. Wish me luck!!