Friday, January 21, 2011

Tired Mind

I am just worn out. I have been thinking a lot about my baby girl, Abby starting school this year and I am really getting all crazy about it.. I don't think that I am really ready for all of this. It has just happened too fast. She is still my "baby girl". I know that she is ready for it but I am not ready in any form or fashion. Most Moms that I talk to say that the first day of school for their kids was harder on them than it was on the kids and I am sure that will be the case with Abby and I but I am already freaking out. I just hope that I am getting all this out of my system now so that by the time she starts school I will be ok with it. Haha. I am trying to be positive about it. It is just nuts. I start thinking about it as soon as I lay down to go to sleep and then I can't go to sleep because I am all anxious ans having to take a xanax! With the way things are going I am gonna have to get a refill pretty soon. I tell myself that it is so silly to be so anxious about something that is over six months away but it does not good at all! Hell I try to reason with myself and can't...Yea I think that I am losing it. And I have been talking to my husband about having a baby. Haha. Yea like that would be good. I am freaking out with one what the hell would I do with two??

All I know it time goes by way too fast and kiddos grow up way too fast. Don't miss out! You can't go back!!

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