Monday, December 13, 2010

For sure a Monday=)

Glad that Monday is out of the way and we are one day closer to Friday. Work was pretty busy and that made the day go by fast. I got of a little after 5 today and I was headed home. When I took the exit to my house I noticed this guy in some kind of ford car on my A.S.S. I really think that he was rubbing the back bumper of my car. Yea that is how close he was. So I am looking in my mirror trying to figure out who the hell this guy is and what he is doing and I am coming up on a stop I start to slow down like I do everyday on my way home, before I even got to the damn stop sign the jackass honks his horn at me. WTH??? Hello, I don't know what you usually do at stop signs but I S.T.O.P.  at them. I stopped at the intersection and then went on my way with the guy on my ass the entire way home. I don't know why but when someone is on your ass it just makes you want to slow down even more or maybe just slam on the breaks and see if the fucker is paying attention. I don't know what his hurry was but I hope that down the road he got pulled over and got a nice, early Christmas gift. :) Merry Christmas to you, Mr. I love riding random people's asses for no other reason than just to be an idiot!!! I really hate when things like that happen.

Well I guess that I am off to bed. I would like to try and not hit snooze 52 times in the morning. Haha. I have never been the one that hits snooze but the past few weeks I think that I have hit it every single morning. I need to get some more rest...I think. Maybe not so much sleep but just relax and rest. Yes I think that sounds really good....To bad that I can't just do that whenever I want to!! Yea that would be because I am a MOM!!! Full-time job X  2 for this lady here. And my husband thinks that he works a lot. Hahaha. Well how about trying to work 24 hours a day-7 days a week for the last almost.....5years. Yea he could not even do it. Hell he would not even attempt it for that matter. L.A.Z.Y.

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