Sunday, December 12, 2010

Why does the weekend have to end??

I don't think that I will ever understand why the weekend has to go by so damn fast!!! I guess whether I understand it or not it happens so I just need to get over it. :( So with the weekend over, it is back to work in the AM and I am not looking forward to it. One fun thing about this work week is that we are doing our Secret Santa thing! So it should be nice. I am just ready for Christmas to get here and so is my baby girl. She is on the count down just like every other kid in the world. I miss all the fun and excitedness that Christmas used to be when I was a kid. Being an adult you have to stress with all the gift buying and money. It kinda takes the fun out of it all. I can say that I love Christmas morning when I see Abby's face, her eyes all lit up and smiling from ear to ear. Seeing that reminds me of when I was little. Seeing her excitement makes it all worth while-the stressing out! I did not go overboard this year. I am very proud of myself. I still have to get Abby a bike and I will pick that up this weekend. After I get the bike I will be all done shopping with her, I think. I really need to make a list. It is crazy, I really don't have a memory for shit these days. I don't know what the deal is. I just feel like I will not be able to remember anything unless I write it down. Oh well I guess that is just part of life, I just thought that it would come later.

Next Saturday I have a little "me" time planned and it is really much, much needed. I never get anytime alone or just to hang out and have a drink. Next Saturday I am going to hang out with Melanie my sis-in-law and her girlfriend Michelle, my other sis-in-law. We are going to chill at their house and I am going to bring some nice fruity drinks!! I am so ready. I always have a good time when I am with them. They are hilarious. And when the three of us get together there is never any quite time or a dull moment. We are talkers to say the least. I hope that this will be just what I need-a little pick me up right before the holidays. My husband gets free time and "me" time almost everyday and for sure every week. So I think that it is about damn time that I get some for myself. I think that everything should be 50-50 in a relationship and that includes free time aka "me" time. I know that there are some men out there that don't think that way. Hell I would even go as far as to say that most men don't think that way. I am hear to tell you that if things are not 50-50 in a relationship or marriage that someone will start to resent the other one. And that is a hard thing to get past. I don't know if it is even possible. Well I am sure that it is possible but you know what I mean. For someone who is a grudge holder it is really hard. And that would be me. I am a grudge holder-not something that I am proud of, but it is what it is. Let's just say that I am a work in progress.
**Not too soon though**

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