Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up!!

Well well, here it is Sunday and time for the work week again. The weekends just go by way too fast!
We didn't do much Friday night. Just really hung out at the house-which was really nice. Yesterday I did some cleaning and my hubby had to work the James Lane booth at the Home and Garden Show, so I figured I would tag along and check it out. Abby changed her mind about going and wanted to stay at my Mom's instead. There was not much there so I ended up going shopping while Justin worked. It has been a while since I have been shopping by myself. It was almost a little weird. But it was nice. Good alone time. Today was busy. My Mom came over after breakfast this morning and we ripped out the tile in my bathroom and put new tile in. My Mom did most of the work. I tried to help where I could. We painted and hung up a couple new pics and stuff in there. It looks great. It took forever but we...mostly it all done today! Now on the the next project..It is never ending.
So I have not spoken about any of My Hubby's family drama for quite sometime now but I really have to vent a little. There is only so much a person can take before they blow and well...consider me blown! My husband is one of 4 kids and he has a twin brother...they are NOTHING alike... with that being said there is always some kind of drama going on. That is why we like to steer clear from all that bizz. Anywho here is the deal-Justin's Mother is what I call "a fixer", she has good intentions but it just never seems to work out for the good-they are never fixed. With people never being "fixed" and by people I mean her son-not my husband-this causes her to be an enabler. Her son-not my husband- is a drug addict among many other things and has been for years. I really believe that she thinks that she can "fix" him. Her whole life revolves around him and what she has to do for him or give him. Bless her heart, that is no kind of life for any Mother to live. And it maybe really easy for me to sit here and say cut him the eff off from the money and free range on anything and everything but really when will the time come that you wake up and see that the more you do for him the more your killing him. It is terrible for me to say this but I think that this cycle will continue until he is in jail or dead. They say that people with addictions have to hit rock bottom before they change their ways and everyones rock bottom is different. Well his just may be the death of his self or his mother. It is so sad to me that my Mother in Law has to deal with all this on a daily basis but at the same time it pisses me off because she chooses to let it all go on. I know that this shit goes on everywhere and it is a pretty "normal" thing now days but really when the hell does he plan on getting his shit together. Oh yea, he doesn't have to because his Mother will make sure it is all together for him. As for my husband, his Mom is just pushing him further and further away and I am not even sure if she has a clue what she is doing. When or if she does figure it out Justin may be past all that and it may be to late for him. I know I sounds like I have got this shit all figured out and actually I do. I have dealt with addictions my entire life. My Dad was a drunk from before I was born to the time I was about 13 or 14. I know how all this shit works. It drives me nuts and pisses me off to see my Husband upset about his twin brother being all effed up and that his Mom can't take 30 minutes just to habg out with him because she has some other bullshit to do for the kid that can't do a damn thing for himself. So I am getting to my limit. I think it is just aabout time for me to say a few things that are on my mind. I want my MIL to know that this shit that is going on is NOT normal, even if it has been going on for years. Its time for change. And I am more than ready for it. And I know my Hubby is too. Someone has got to balls up and freaking do something. So I will be all up in the business and will be calling the cops at the drop of a flippin hat to get his ass thrown in jail. I will do this until he is in there for good or moves away. It is time to put your big boy panties on and grow the fuck up!!!!!

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