Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Days

I have been off for two days because of the damn snow and ice and tomorrow will make three. It is nuts. I have been enjoying the time with my baby girl but really getting sick of being stuck in the house!! I decided today that I am more than ready for spring to get here!!! Bring on the sunshine and warmer temps please!! Not really sure what Abby and I are gonna do tomorrow. The hubby has to work. But I do know that whatever we do we will be in this house. I think that we have watched every cartoon made on Nick Jr and played 52 different games. And being stuck inside for a few days can be a lil depressing as well!:( I need sun light and warmth and without it I am a little on put it nicely. I hope tomorrow this crap clears up and things can start to get back to normal around here. Time for some sleep. I hope. I have not been sleeping good the past few nights. I hate that. Why is it that some people can go to sleep as soon as their head hits the pillow and others lay there forever wishing they could do that??? Well my hubby is the one who falls asleep as soon as he lays down and me...well I lay in bed thinking about things that really don't matter and never really get to that "good sleep" stage. Maybe one day the tables will turn and I will be able to go to sleep with the quickness.:)

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