Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday=Lazy Day..

Today we really did not do much. Abby and I did brunch at my Moms and Justin slept. It is crazy how I am always the one who has to get up with Abby and he always gets to sleep in..That shit just does not seem right. But anyhow, we had a good time at my Moms this morning. Once we got back home Justin went to the casino with his Mom and Abby and I took a much needed nap. Bless Abby's heart she was in a funk today. I don't know what her deal was but she was not in the best mood that is for sure. After our nap she seemed to be in a better mood. She was really excited this evening because her Pops came to take her on a date to Braums. They go like ever two weeks but she still gets excited like she has never been there before. Haha. Cracks me up.
Man I am so damn glad that I have one more day of not working!!! That just makes Sunday so much more enjoyable!:) I think that we are grilling out with the fam and gonna ride the 4 wheeler and mess around outside. I am sure that it will be a good time...It always is with my fam. Hell you never know what is going to happen.

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