Thursday, May 5, 2011

Good Evening

I actually am feeling a little bit better today. I think that just maybe I am on my way back to being ummmm, well normal I guess.

Got off work and went to the chiropractor. That was nice. I have not noticed any major changes yet but he said that since my back is so messed up it will take a few weeks for me to notice a difference in how I feel. There is hope.....I hope. He has faith. I am ready to get to the point where he said that I would be giddy! It takes time and I have never been really good with the whole waiting game. But I am not going to stop going just yet. It does feel pretty amazing while I am in there. It is pretty relaxing. I could really get used to going twice a week for about 45 minutes just for the quite time that I get. I am not used to that business. I am enjoying it..

After my appointment I headed to get my baby girl and then we headed to the soft ball field to watch Makayla (my neice) play. They did not play so hot at first but finally they got it together and looked like pros out there. Makayla got a home run! It was so freaking great. She was so damn excited and so were we! We were all going crazy! So proud of her!!! They ended up losing the game but it was still a great game.

Well it is time to turn on the Rangers game. :) I hope that they win tonight like they did last night!! Good stuff!

Yaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy, for tomorrow being Friday!!!

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