Monday, February 20, 2012


It has been forever since I have had time to blog. I have been able to make a little time here and there to read my fav blogs but that it just about it. :(

 I think that the last time I posted  was right before Abby's birthday party. And it was a big hit! She told me and I quote,  " Thanks Mom, This is the BEST birthday EVER!!" I was so happy! Pizza Hut was packed with family and friends! We are so blessed!!

It was so nice to have all the family together and all for my sweet baby girl. :)

As far as me....well I am still helping out in Abby's class a few times a week and recently started working a little at a local flower shop, Boomtown Floral Scenter. I am still loving being able to be at home when Abby is out of school. There were so many people that said that I would grow tired of not working a full time job....well I can tell you that is not the case by any means. I love it. I am the most happy that I have ever been. I do love working at the flower shop. I worked quite a few hours on Valentines Day and right before. It is really crazy how much money people spend on flowers. N.U.T.S   I like flowers and all but I am not that girl who HAS to have them on V-Day...not at all. How about you love me all the time and show me that you love me all the time and not just one day a year. :)  But hey, whatever works I guess.

Dropping Abby off at school this morning, I seen the sign in front of the school that said Spring Break was March 12-16...This school year is really going by fast. Abby has grown so much since the first day of school. My baby girl is reading books..WOW. She amazes me with something new every single day. I am so proud.

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