Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up...

Happy Monday!!
The weekend has gone by too fast....just like it always does. Abby was not really ready to jump outta bed this morning and neither was her Daddy for that matter. :)

We did have a nice weekend.
     Friday we hung out a the house and watched movies and played Mario Kart(Abby's fav). It was nice not to have anything going on and just be able to be lazy.
     Saturday we headed to Wichita to get Justin a haircut and do a little shopping. Justin has been so busy with work it has been hard for us three to go and do something together, so I was very happy!:) After shopping we headed to Applebee's to eat. All Abby was worried about was the Cookie Sundae. She had no problem eating her burger and fries like she usually does. She was ready for her Sundae.



It was really good. I don't think that we really ate that much of it...I think that we just moved it around on the plate. But Abby was all smiles!!

Yesterday was a pretty lazy day. We all hung out at the house. I did get some cleaning done but I mainly just played with Abby...Perfect weekend.

I took this pic at Abby's Valentines Day Party. It is so cute, just wanted to throw it in some where. :)
She has my heart!!!
That is all for me today. I will try not to wait so long in between post next time.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!!!

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