Tuesday, March 6, 2012

TrUe BlOoD tUeSdAy

Happy Tuesday!
I love mornings when I don't have any trouble getting Abby out of bed!!  It makes for such an easier morning. Got Abby off to school and now it is time to catch up on some blog reading. :)

Okay, if you have ever ready my blog before you would know that I love True Blood. I can NOT wait till the new season starts! I am having withdrawals and more so now than I was before. On Friday I went to Hastings to look for a movie for my Step Dad and finally remembered to pick up the 1st book of the series, Dead Until Dark, A Sookie Stackhouse Novel. I am really not much of a reader, it has to be something REALLY amazing to keep my attention! I had no worries about not being able to finish it though. I freaking loved it!!! I finished it in the early afternoon on Saturday and I was ready to head to Hastings right then and pick up the 2nd book. I did manage to wait until Sunday to go and get it. While I was there I went ahead and grabbed both the 2nd and the 3rd books, I knew that I would not be able to put them down. And I am almost finished with the 3rd one now.  I am completely consumed! Not. Kidding.  Since I started the 1st one I have dreamed about nothing else, I am living the book in my dreams. It is just crazy!! I love it though!! If you haven't read these books, you need to! Wonderful!! They are wonderful!

As you can see I am partial to the hottie Eric on the show!!! The books are for sure worth reading and the show is definitely worth watching!!!

Well all this talk about the show/book makes me want to go ahead and get busy reading!


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