Oh my goodness. I am really starting to freak out here. I have been wondering when we were going to find out who my daughters teacher is going to be for Kindergarten........well I found out today that on the 18th of this month we will find out who her teacher will be and that night we will go to "Meet the Teacher Night"!!!!!!!! I am so happy and sad all at the same time. I am a basket case to be honest. My baby girl is not a baby and is growing up so fast and there is not a thing that I can do about it. I know that she is going to love it so much and that make me happy but really my heart is breaking inside because it is all happening so fast. It's like BOOM, times up......she is starting school now. She is going to be so excited to go to her school and get to check out her classroom and meet her teacher. And I will wait until we get home and she is asleep to cry about it. Stressed...that is what I am right now. And my Mom, that is another worry of mine. She is not going to know what to do during the day without Abby there with her. She has been keeping Abby for my since I went back to work after she was born, she is going to be lost. She is going to pick her up from school for me most of the time. I will be able to come into work a little bit late int he mornings so that I will be able to get her ready for school in the mornings. I really wish that I was able to do both but at this time I am not. I think that is making all of this a littel bit harder for me. I want to be there for everything that she has going on at school. I want to take her to school in the mornings, I want to pick her up from school and ask her how her day was and have an after school snack ready for her. I want to be there for every single thing! I don't want to miss anything! I guess that I will have to see how things go with her starting school and me continuing to work full time and if it does not work for her and I then I will have to figure something else out. She comes first. Well now that I have went on and on forever I guess that I will get on another subject.:)

Plans for the weekend.....
I don't think that we have plans for the weekend. My bank account is still in shock from vacation. :) But really I don't think that we are up for doing too much. We are still recovering from our trip. So I think that we will be chillin at the house this weekend. I have been missing my bed soooo much. It has felt so good to be back at home...minus the heat. Ughh, the heat. The heat just sucks. I am so very much tired of it. I think that everyone around here is pretty much to the point where they are going crazy! We need rain bad!!
Pray for rain!
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