Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

Well here she is on her first day of school! She did great!!! I am so proud of her!

She was so excited!

Checking out the scene!

She is such a big girl!

She was talking to her Pops while walking into school!!

Sitting in her classroom!

In about an hour I will get to see my baby girl and find out how her first day of school was and I can't wait!!!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Friday!!

I love this day! I love this day! I love Fridays!!

I am so ready for this weekend to start. This week has been rather long and I am ready for it to be over with already!!! I am in a good mood today! Yea, I said good mood! It is a new thing that I am trying out...Not sure how long it will stick around so I will enjoy it while it last.

Here is a pic of Abby from yesterday, right before we were going to "meet the teacher"-She is such a cutie. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet the Teacher

We met Abby's teacher this afternoon! She is so sweet. I think she is going to be great! Her name is Mrs. Stonner. She has been teaching Kindergarten since before I was in school! I am no longer worried about Abby getting in trouble from seeing some of the other kids that will be in her class. Wow. Some parents just let their kids run wild. I am not near as anxious I was about her starting school. I am feeling pretty good about it. I know that I will have a hard time on Monday but I am just glad that her teacher is super nice! I am so proud of her! She is going to do great and I can't wait to pick her up from school on Monday and see how her day was! :)

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Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lost in my thoughts....

It has been a little while since I have blogged. I think it is because I just have so many things on my mind and I am really not sure where to start.

Well, tomorrow is a big day! I will be getting off work early tomorrow so that we ca go and Meet the Teacher! My baby girl will be starting school on Monday. I am feeling very anxious about it!I know that she will love it and that she will have a great time but my baby girl is growing up way too fast!! I guess it is just bittersweet. I can't wait to see the look on her face when we go and see her classroom for the first time tomorrow. She is very very excited about it. And this Saturday we will be going to get her all signed up for soccer! All of this is happening at one time and I am just hoping that I can handle it all! I took the day off on Monday. I have no idea what I am going to do but I am off work. Hell I may end up sitting in the parking lot of the school until she gets out. I hope that is not the case but it is a possibility! I don't think that I would be having such a hard time with her going to school if I was able to take her and pick her up everyday. With work I will not be able to pock her up from school everyday. I will be bale to get her ready each morning and take her but my Mom will be picking her up most of the time. It is really breaking my heart that I will not be able to be there everyday! I want,to be able to do it all. I want to be the Mom that is able to be there for everything and I do not want work to be the reason that I am not able to be the places that I really want to be. I know that it is something that happens everyday all the time but that is not how I want things to happen here! I am very thankful that my Mom is able to pick her up for me but I do wish that it was me...

I am pretty sure that this weekend will be a busy one and I am not one that really enjoys a busy weekend! Friday night we have a cook out at my Aunts house..Saturday morning we have soccer sign ups, then we are going to get a storage building and start moving things into that. I am hoping that we get everything moved into it that we need to so that we can start painting at my Moms. We are getting ready to move into my Moms house. We are all very excited about it and ready to get things moving along. The biggest part we are going to try and get done this weekend....taking everything in what was the game room to storage. After it is all cleared out we will start painting and then we will be laying floor. Fun stuff. I really wish it was already done and over with. But it won't be long once we are able to get started.

Once we move in there and get everything finished then we will start on out house. Justin's sister is going to rent the house from us and before they move in I want to be able to paint and fix a few things while there is nothing in the house. So I am sure that my non busy weekends have come to an end. With all the painting, moving and soccer I am sure that I will have plenty to do on the weekends.

Time to watch a little bit more of the Ranger game and head to bed!

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Friday, August 5, 2011

So Soon....Not soon enough...

Oh my goodness. I am really starting to freak out here. I have been wondering when we were going to find out who my daughters teacher is going to be for Kindergarten........well I found out today that on the 18th of this month we will find out who her teacher will be and that night we will go to "Meet the Teacher Night"!!!!!!!! I am so happy and sad all at the same time. I am a basket case to be honest. My baby girl is not a baby and is growing up so fast and there is not a thing that I can do about it. I know that she is going to love it so much and that make me happy but really my heart is breaking inside because it is all happening so fast. It's like BOOM, times up......she is starting school now. She is going to be so excited to go to her school and get to check out her classroom and meet her teacher. And I will wait until we get home and she is asleep to cry about it. Stressed...that is what I am right now. And my Mom, that is another worry of mine. She is not going to know what to do during the day without Abby there with her. She has been keeping Abby for my since I went back to work after she was born, she is going to be lost. She is going to pick her up from school for me most of the time. I will be able to come into work a little bit late int he mornings so that I will be able to get her ready for school in the mornings. I really wish that I was able to do both but at this time I am not. I think that is making all of this a littel bit harder for me. I want to be there for everything that she has going on at school. I want to take her to school in the mornings, I want to pick her up from school and ask her how her day was and have an after school snack ready for her. I want to be there for every single thing! I don't want to miss anything! I guess that I will have to see how things go with her starting school and me continuing to work full time and if it does not work for her and I then I will have to figure something else out. She comes first. Well now that I have went on and on forever I guess that I will get on another subject.:)

Plans for the weekend.....
I don't think that we have plans for the weekend. My bank account is still in shock from vacation. :) But really I don't think that we are up for doing too much. We are still recovering from our trip. So I think that we will be chillin at the house this weekend. I have been missing my bed soooo much. It has felt so good to be back at home...minus the heat. Ughh, the heat. The heat just sucks. I am so very much tired of it. I think that everyone around here is pretty much to the point where they are going crazy! We need rain bad!!

Pray for rain!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

True Blood

Here I am....back to the real world today...back to work. Good stuff.....Umm yea not so much...

Anywho, I was able to watch the episode of True Blood that I missed on Sunday and I must say that it was just greatness! I love Eric! I love him more and more everytime I watch it....I did not think that it was possible to love him anymore than I do but....I guess it is. He is just HOT!! I was so very happy that Eric and Sookie FINALLY hooked up!! I have been waiting on that FOREVER!! Now that is good stuff!! I can't wait to see what happens on Sunday.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Almost home..

Well Justin and I decided that we would head home a day early since I have to be back at work on Thursday, so we are on the road at the moment. Abby passed smooth out in the back seat and I am trying to keep Justin awake. Haha. I think that I am just trying to stay awake with him. We have about an hour and a half to go and I am more than ready to be home.

We had a wonderful time in Ruidoso, the weather was amazing and pretty much so was everything else. I am ready to be home tho. I really am not much of a vacationer...I am more of a home body. I love being at home and being in my comfort zone. Haha. So my fam was not surprised when I decided all of the sudden that I needed/wanted to go ahead and hit the road back to Texas. That is just how I roll. I love my little life that I have and I dont like to be away from it for very long. I have two dogs and I am missing them like crazy. I am sure that they will be going all kinds of crazy when we get home in a little while. And really I cant wait. :)  I am not really looking forward to coming back to work, other than I need some money. ;) But I guess I will just have to deal . That is part of my little is a part that I could do without though.

We have lots and lots of pics but I have not had a chance to post any of them here on the blog. I will try and get a few of them up tomorrow. I am not planning on doing much of anything tomorrow and I cant wait. When we left our house it was clean, the laundry was all done and there were no dirty dishes....I hope that it is still that way. My brother has been staying there taking care of my two babies. I will seriously kick his ass if my house is a hott mess. Just sayin!!

I think that I have decided that next year I will not be doing any kind of traveling...I think that it is maybe a little bit over rated. I think that I am really too worn out to enjoy most of the things that we do. I pretty much just wanted to sleep the entire time I was there. And I can do that at home, in my own bed. Oh how I cant wait to get into my own bed....Yay for that!! Well I guess that I better get back to keeping my hubby awake.....Fun times.