Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday....feeling like a Monday.

Well it is Tuesday...but it feels like a Monday!! Blahh. Mondays are no fun!
I had a wonderful 3 day weekend and was still not ready to come back to work, even with the extra day off. We spent most of our weekend outside swimming and hanging out with the fam. It was GREAT!! And now here I am already counting down till Friday!! That is just how I roll I guess. I love my weekends.

My baby brother is now a High School graduate!! So proud of him. He is college bound now. Time just goes by way too fast. I am just so very thankful that he will be staying here for college! I would be lost without seeing him everyday!! He is such a sweetie. Abby just adores Colten and Dalten both! Now it is time for me to put my big girl panties on and get ready for Abby to start school in August. She is still pretty excited about and I am very happy about that. I am sure that she will love it. I think that it will take time for me to get used to the whole "my baby girl is not a baby anymore" thing. Yes, I know that it is going to happen whether I am ready for it to or not! And with my little girl growing up so fast I am ready to have another one. The only thing is my husband is still on the fence about it. :( I am so ready. I just loved being prego. I just loved everything about it. I think that Abby is ready to be a big sister. So wish me luck on talking to my hubby about it. :) If I am not prego by my next birthday then I don't think that I will have anymore. I think that 29 will be my cut off. But who knows. I am just ready right now. It is all just so much fun!!! Maybe sometime soon I will be able to have a post saying that I am prego!!! That would be the greatest!! I am keeping my fingers crossed. :)

The Hubby and I have been doing some major yard work in our back yard! I think that I have been pulling weeds in my sleep. The yard is already looking much much better. I cant wait till we get it all finished and then we will be starting on the front yard, I guess that it is really never ending...but once we get all the major stuff done then it will just be the up keep! And that is easier and not as much work. It is crazy, I actually have been enjoying sitting in the back yard pulling weeds. I am not sure why but I really have been enjoying myself. :) I think I like that I can see the progress that I make at that very moment. There is no waiting around to see what all I have done. I see it right then. It is nice. I guess I like instant gratification. :)

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