Sunday, January 16, 2011

Just Honesty....

I got this from "One Step At A Time". I just recently started following her blog and I really love it!

I happy with what I have in my life.
I continue being blessed with my family and friends in my life.
I Have...a beautiful daughter that I love and adore.
I Wish...I could rescue all the animals that are not taken care of.
I Hate...child and animal abuse.
I Fear...the uncontrollable things in life.
I Hear...the t.v. and my daughter laughing while her Dad gives her a bath.
I Search...for the purpose of life.
I Wonder...if I will completely lose it on my daughters first day of school.

I Regret...not saying what I should have and not acting on things that I should have.
I daughter husband family and friends.
I Ache...when I think about how much I miss my Papa.
I Always...can think of my daughter and smile.
I Usually...think before I speak....yes usually.
I Am religious as I want to be.
I Dance...while I am folding clothes sometimes.

I the car all the time.
I Never...want to go through anything that has to do with addictions again.
I able to hide my facial expressions.

I Cry...a  bunch.
I Am Not Always...positive...or right.
I Lose...when I don't win.
I'm Confused...about the justice system.
I Need...a little "me" time.

I finishing up all the laundry.

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