Today was wonderful. I got off work at 12 something and headed to get my sweet baby girl. We hit up McDonald's for a little Mom and Daughter lunch date and then came home to just chill. I cleaned the house and I have been doing laundry all day long. We have so much laundry. I really don't know where it comes from. And I really don't remember having so many towels. Anywho, it does not take long for it to pile up around here..
Back to work in the am and I am really going to try and be in a good and positive mood. I have not really been in a bad mood but I guess that I have just not been my usual self. Sometimes I guess that I just get in a funk. Ha ha. So I am gonna try and be funk-free tomorrow. Wish me luck.....I am sure that I will need it. :)
My poor Mom has hurt her shoulder, we are not sure what she did but she can't do anything with that arm without it killing her. It has been hurting her since a few days before Christmas. She is about to die. She has been to the Dr and they gave her pain pills and told her to work it hurts to move it.....kind of hard to work it out. I have had to brush and wash her hair and sometimes get her dressed. She feels so bad. The pain is making her sick to her stomach and I am just sick of her being in so much pain. So finally in the morning she is going to have an MRI done. So please say a little prayer that all is okay and that they find out what is causing her so much pain. It breaks my heart to see her so miserable.
So I have been looking for a Great Dane puppy for my brother for graduation and I have found one. :) She is so beautiful..
This is little Laura |
I am waiting on the guy to email me back as I type. She is in North Dakota.....I really hope that it all works out. Dalten is just in love with her. What a cutie she is. Heck I think that I am in love with her too. I am such a dog lover. I would love to have a house on several acres and have lots and lots of animals. One day. That is a dream of mine. Dalten has wanted a Great Dane for as long as I can remember and he has talked me into getting him one for his graduation gift. :) Yea he is a little spoiled. I am so ready for the guy to email me back....I just keep checking my email over and over. Silly yes I know, but I can't help it. Dalten would just flip out if we got her. And that would just make me so happy. And I would have a lil puppy to play with. +'s all around. Err. I am so impatient. I wish that he would email me back. I am seriously not going to be able to sleep tonight.
Everyone is having not me...I wish...kinda. :) I love seeing all the sono pics. It seems like everywhere I go someone is showing off their sono pics. I just love looking at them. I think that it is just amazing. Abby will be 5 on Monday and everyone is saying that it is past time for me to have another one....I don't think that it is too late but I am not really sure if it is the "right" time. Hell I am not even sure if there is a "right" time. I guess that I am just happy either way at the moment. No pressure. I am having a ball with baby girl at the moment. She is more than a hand full. :) Never a dull moment in this house..
Yesterday I bought all the decorations for Abby's party. She was so excited when i got home and showed them to her. She cracks me up. She told me thank you like 52 times. Such a sweetie. Oh yea, They are Toy Story 3 decorations. She is allllll about that right now. I am sure that before I know it she will be on some other kick but I am really going to enjoy her loving Toy Story. I don't mind watching that especially compared to some of the other things that she has watched. I will be sure to post some pics.
Omg, No email yet. Boo. I really am going to have to take a xanax and go to bed or I will be checking it all night long.
My hubby is on call this week. Plumbing. Poor thing. He has been working so much. This is the first night in forever that he made it home by 6pm. He got called out at midnight last night. He was not a happy camper. I don't think that he got home till after 2am and had to get back up at 7am to go back to work. I know that he will be more than ready for his week of call to be over with. I just hope that he does not get called out during Abby's B-day party. That would suck.
Well I am going to check my email one more time.....yea I am sure that it will not be the last time that I check it tonight... Going to change the sheets and lay down. I think that I need a little quite time.