For starters I was trying to blog from my phone last night while I was laying in bed and I thought that it was all going smooth...then after I had typed forever and I went to post it, it did not work. It was blank. Nice. I love that. WTH?!?! I guess that I just have not figured out all that mobile blogging business. I will have to look into it a little bit more.
This day took forever. OMG. I was really ready for it to be over like as soon as I woke up this morning. I did not sleep good last night and really I haven't been sleeping good for a while. I don't know what the deal is but something has got to give. I am one tired woman. My back has been killing me all night long. I am sick of it. I guess that my back has been hurting so bad because I have a damn kidney infection and I went to the Dr last week and they gave me Bactrim. Well today I had to go to the Urolgist and he tells me to stop taking the Bactrim because it is not helping and he gave me a script of Cipro. I don't know if yall know the size of the Bactrim pills but let me just tell you that I have been choking them down twice a day since last Tuesday. And when he told me that they were not working I just wanted to slap him. Damn why in the hell have I been making myself sick by taking something that is not going to work??? Yea it has made me sick as hell. I think that taking the meds made me feel worse than I did before. That to me does not make much sense. But I am not the DR... So now the plan is for me to take this cipro and I go back to see him in 10 days! Yipee I can't wait. If I am still having problems then he will have to do an IVP, which having x-rays done after they inject contrast thru an IV. Yea, It does not sound like much fun to me.
Well I am so counting down this week!! I am so ready for Halloween! I can't wait. I just love it. We have been getting everything ready for the party and it is all coming together pretty well. I think that we are all pretty excited about it. Most of all the fam will be there and some friends as well. I think that it will be a blast. I think that we finished most of the shopping today after I got off work. Man I hate going to Walmart. People are freaking crazy there. And there are NEVER any more than 2 checkers. WTH!?!?!?! That shit really pisses me off. I can't stand that.
No work for me in the AM!!! I am so glad!! There is so much that I need to do around the house and I really just can't get into it. Haha. So maybe I will be able to get a few things done tomorrow. I have good intentions but I may not be bale to keep them. I think that sleeping as late as Abby will let me sounds great to me. Then maybe waking up eating a bite and then a nice lil nap. Haha. Like Abby will let that happen. I am sure that she will have some plans of her own for us to do and that is fine with me as long as it does not have to happen in the AM hours. :) I think that my Mom has plans for us...getting everything ready for the party. But I am sure that she can handle it. ;)
OK-I need a change. I really don't care for change that much but I think that it is time for one. I think that my Hubby and I need to make a habit of having a date night. We really never go anywhere just the two of us. And I think that it is much needed. We need some alone time. I don't care what we do or where we go but I think that we need to make a plan once a month or something like that and stick to it. It is crazy how things get so busy with work, kiddos, fam and everything else. It seems like it has been forever since we have gone out. So my plan is to plan a lil evening out and try and continue this every month. Wish me luck!!
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