Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hump Day....

Well we are half way there. Hell yea to that shit!!!I think the weeks are getting longer and longer and the weekends are getting shorter. What the hell is up with that. The past 3 work weeks have really lasted forever! I think that must mean that I need a vacation!!!
So I think that I am coming down with something and I think it is BABY FEVER!!!OMG, One of my co-workers friends had a baby today and he is so damn cute. My baby girl is 4. I think that it is time for another. Ohhhh how I love love love babies. So now I just need to talk to my husband about it. Haha. Yea that is the hard part. I am not sure that he is in the same mind set as I am. Although the other day he did say that his friend had a 2 month old daughter and she was such a cutie. so I think that there is hope for me....Well I hope so anyway. :)I would really love nothing more than to be a stay at home Mom and have another kiddo. I just hope that its in the cards for think it is time for a new addition to the fam! Hell I am 27 I don't really want to wait any longer. I'm damn sure not getting any younger. And my daughter Abby is always talking about wanting a baby brother or sister. I guess in time we will see. May be I should just surprise my husband with some news like.....guess what I am pregnant....Haha Yea right. When I found out that I was prego with Abby, and I told him he almost passed out. And I am not kidding. I thought that he was gonna hit the damn floor. Haha.I will never forget that!!!

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