Monday, September 27, 2010
Fun evening with the fam!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sick :(
Sooo on a better note, I am getting really excited about this weekend. I can't wait. I still have a lot to do to get everything ready but I am sure that it will all come together and be wonderful. I will for sure be posting pics of the fun times!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturdays End..
Well a while back I told you about a party that I was going to get together for some of my friends that I used to spend alot of time with and really do not have the time now. Soooo I have it all together and on Saturday the 25th will be the day. I am getting really excited about it. We are going to rent the UFC fights(I would not miss the fights for anything), drink lots of beer and grill. I think that it will be a good time. I hope that everyone will be able to make it.
Speaking of the UFC fights, I have this friend named Ben and he has been training in MMA for a while where he lives. In a few weeks he is going on a work trip to Vegas(wish I could get lucky like that) and he is going to be there for a week and while he is there is will be training at Extreme Couture!!!! I really think that is so damn cool. What the hell?? I would love to just be there and watch. That would be sooo great. I live and breathe UFC! I never miss a fight. I am damn dedicated to this shit!!! Can I please just tag along with him and watch?? And maybe just meet all the fighters that train there??? Please. That is some shit that I dream about. Anywho..I am so proud of Ben. He has been working so hard to get in shape and learn it all and I think that he may even be fighting sometime next month. Holy shit. I might actually now a real MMA fighter.....personally! I am so happy for him. He really deserves to get to train with all the big dogs in the UFC! Hell I would probably just shit my pants if I got the chance to meet them!! I would just freak out. But really it has been a dream of mine for a long time to go to a real UFC fight!! Maybe someday. Maybe someday. I hope someday soon!!!!!!
This is the next fight coming up! :) |
Can he keep his cap this way all the time please??? ;) |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Cleaning Mood
I am almost finished with Abby's room. I love having 52 things going on at one time. That is the best. Haha. Yea right. I am so ready to get it all done. But I am sure that by that time I will have something else that I want done.
This is Abby's new bedding. She loves it. |
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday...Hells Yes!!! :)
- I pretty much live for the weekends. But I guess that everyone that is off work on the weekends do.
- Work was busy today. I should be happy about it since we have been so slow the past few months but I guess that I got used to us not being crazy busy and now that we are it sucks. But hey I am happy that I have a damn job...I could really use a raise tho...and
- so could a few other people that work with me.
- I work for 5 local Drs and they freaking make a killing. I know this because I post all the insurance and patient payments that come in. You would think that as much damn money as they make that they would throw a little our way but hell no. I would like to see them try to live on my paycheck. They would fucking freak out.
- Selfish-Why the hell are people so damn selfish?? I don't understand it at all and it really pisses me off.
- Something else that pisses me off is that I have to go to a damn wedding tomorrow. Yea I know that really may not sound bad to yall but let me tell you what this "wedding" is going to entail.....They are having a fucking donkey as the damn ring bearer...yes I said donkey!!!!! No I am not fucking around. I am being serious. I thought that they were joking around but this morning I found out that they were not. I asked my Mom what she was going to wear and I told her that I did not have anything to wear. Well she then told me that I would wear my PJ's and probably be over dressed. WTF?!?! I mean come on, Are you freaking kidding me. Seriously a damn DONKEY????? I just don't get it. I just think that people are stupid. I have never heard of that kind of shit in all my life. So I am thinking that this is going to be a hot mess. The first thing that comes to mind when I here that a DONKEY is going to walk down the isle of the church is that he could take a big shit....Yes that was my first thought. I work at a place where we do colonoscopies all day long, so it is really not crazy that my first thought was about shit!!We deal with shit all damn day long!
Really???At a wedding?? |
Nice right?? |
Well I will takes some pics of this crazy business.I don't even know what to expect...I really don't know what to wear. But I am thinking that some kind of boots may be in order! The shit might get deep!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Hump Day....
So I think that I am coming down with something and I think it is BABY FEVER!!!OMG, One of my co-workers friends had a baby today and he is so damn cute. My baby girl is 4. I think that it is time for another. Ohhhh how I love love love babies. So now I just need to talk to my husband about it. Haha. Yea that is the hard part. I am not sure that he is in the same mind set as I am. Although the other day he did say that his friend had a 2 month old daughter and she was such a cutie. so I think that there is hope for me....Well I hope so anyway. :)I would really love nothing more than to be a stay at home Mom and have another kiddo. I just hope that its in the cards for think it is time for a new addition to the fam! Hell I am 27 I don't really want to wait any longer. I'm damn sure not getting any younger. And my daughter Abby is always talking about wanting a baby brother or sister. I guess in time we will see. May be I should just surprise my husband with some news like.....guess what I am pregnant....Haha Yea right. When I found out that I was prego with Abby, and I told him he almost passed out. And I am not kidding. I thought that he was gonna hit the damn floor. Haha.I will never forget that!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
What The Hell???
I really hope that the rest of the weekend goes smooth. I don't htink that I can handle anymore Bullshit!!! I just want to relax andff hang out with my baby girl and hubby!!!! And Please Please no drama this weekend! I need a DRAMA-FREE weekend. hell make next week drama-free while you are at it. :)
Grudge Holder for 52 years, Ashley
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Today Thursday...Tomorrow Friday!
So last night my baby girl, Abby, stayed the night with my Mom. I got to seen her for about 5 minutes this morning before I went to work and I did not get off till about 5 this afternoon. I think that she called me about 7 times to tell me that she missed me and that she wanted me to come pick her up. She is so damn sweet! Man I love my baby girl. And when I got there to pick her up she was ready to go home right then. Since we have been home we have played outside, played in the house, cooked, cleaned and now I am ready to go to sleep...and she is not. She is balls to the wall! She is telling me that she wants to stay up all night. I don't think so. I am worn out! I wish taht I had her energy!!!I guess that I am headed to try and get her to calm down and I hope go to sleep soon! If I have to pull an all nighter I will be such a bitch tomorrow at work and I am sure that my co-workers will not like that shit to much! Haha.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Love This Rain..
So this week I was off work on Monday and that was great! But I really think that this week is going to take forever to be over. Tuesday felt like it was two or three day all into one. I will be so glad when Friday gets here and it will be my payday on top of that so it is all good for me.
Well my husband has been on the damn phone since he got home from work and he walked in the door at 507 today! Seriously what the hell does he have to talk about for so damn long?!?! But anyway there is always some kind of family drama going on and I think that is all that they have to talk about. They never talk when it is about something good. It is always bullshit! Damn that gets old. I should have married an orphan like my Mom always told me to!!!
Im out on that note!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Party For Old Time Sake...

Sunday=Lazy Day..
Man I am so damn glad that I have one more day of not working!!! That just makes Sunday so much more enjoyable!:) I think that we are grilling out with the fam and gonna ride the 4 wheeler and mess around outside. I am sure that it will be a good time...It always is with my fam. Hell you never know what is going to happen.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Little Bit Of This And A Little Bit Of That...
Well I am not really sure what our plans are this weekend. I have been doing laundry for freaking ever and I am just about sick of it. I mean really how much laundry can 3 damn people have??? Well from the looks of it here I guess a shit load. Blahhhh. Its never ending around here. And yes I am the only damn person that does it too....Lazy ass husband. Haha. He is too busy playing with his new toy...he got a 4 wheeler a couple of weeks ago and that is all he can think about. And the fact that it is dove season means that he thinks that he has to go hunting every damn day. The good thing about that is that Abby and I get some girl time and that is always great.
So I got this wild hair up my ass and I have been looking up shit for our bathroom. I am so ready to get it finished and looking good. I am so sick of it. My husband is one of those guys who love to start big ass projects and well he never fucking finishes them. Sooooo I have looking on the web an found just what I want and told him last night that we were gonna get the bathroom done and soon. He is a damn plumber, you would think that he would not have a problem doing the shit that he knows how to do. But I guess that he gets tired of doing it all day and does not want to mess with it at home. Hell I don't know. I really just think that he is a lazy ass when he gets home. But I am fixing to light a fire under his skinny ass.
Oh yea I have been wanting to plan a party for all of my friends from back in the day to come to right. Well I have decided what I am going to do. My Mom lives out in the country so we are going to have a party at her house. I have not figured out when yet but I think it will be sometime this month. I am so ready. I am think that I need to have a keg party for old time sake. I know that I will for sure be taking lots and lots of pics and I will be sure to post them. Hell just talking about it right now makes me what to just call everyone up and tell them that we are doing it tonight! :) All of us always had a great time together and I miss that so much. I love my life with my baby girl and husband but I do miss my partying days with the crowd. There was always some kind of crazy ass shit that we were doing. I am sure that this party will not be as crazy as the parties that we used to have but I do know that it will be fun as hell.
I guess we are about to head out to my Moms and cookout and hang out with the fam!!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Back in the Day..

It really blew me away when I found out about it. They said that he got into some big trouble in Ft. Worth and ended up getting life in prison. He was such a good guy. I guess that just goes to show that when you hang out with the wrong people. It just sucks. You just never know how things will turn out for people. Even the best of people can fuck up and get busted and that can end it all for them.
I also found a picture of me and one of my friends, Katie before our senior prom. Haha. What a GREAT night that was. I really can't believe that I remember that shit.

We used to have the best time together. We were such bitches and got along great. And really that is saying alot because I did not hang out with girls very much! I was always with all the guys drinking beer and riding 4 wheelers. She was the shit. Love her to death. We have a get to together planned and I can't wait. I am sure that we will not get as crazy as we used to since we both have baby girls but I bet that we have a damn good time. I am very excited about it.
Well I have been wanting to get another tattoo. I freaking love them and I only have one. I think that I could really be that girl all tatted up! Haha. They are so fun to get. I could really see myself getting totally addicted to them! Here is the tat that I have now.... I love love love it!!! I am still on the fence on where I want to get my next one. I wish that I could figure it out because I am soooooo ready to get it!!!!!:)