This is My Sweet Abigail on the beach in Port Aransas. She had a blast.
Well there is a new intervention on tonight and I will be watching it. I don't know why I watch that show but if it is on I have to watch it. It is so sad and just really sick to see how these people live from day to day with their addictions and what their family has to go through. And really it does me no good to watch it because I still have no sympathy for addicts. You would think that after all the shows that I have watched I would feel bad for them but I don't, they did that to themselves. I really just fell bad for the family. And honestly most of the time the family is doing nothing but helping the addict get their next fix and I don't feel bad for them if they are doing that crap. I know that I have talked about addictions before, I really think that I should get a job that has something to do with that because I could go on and on about it all day. I guess that I should feel you in on why I have such a chip on my shoulder about addictions. I will not tell the entire story because that would take me all night but I will sum it all up for you. Ok here goes...My husband was addicted to hydrocodone for a few years. It started out by him hurting his back once he was prescribed the meds he just kept on and on even after his back was healed. I will go ahead and tell you that he is clean now but it has been a long tough road and still is from time to time. My daughter and I pretty much just did things on our own. We spent a lot of time at my Mother's house. I did not want her to be around him when he was on the meds or if he was doing without. It was bad for me. I don;t think that my daughter really had a clue. I kept her very sheltered from it all. The story of my life during that time was all the lies and the money that he spent on the drugs. It was nuts. I could not understand why he could not control himself. I still don't know why at that time he chose the drugs over his family. I had put up with so much from him for so long and I was at my breaking point. The Last Straw..It was our daughters 3rd birthday. This was her first "big party" (not just family). We had rented a bounce house and all the works. It was a great day. Abby was so excited about it all. She was the center of attention. We were all having a great time and about 30 minutes into the party he left. He was sick from not having any meds and he left to go get more. I was just at a loss. Abby had not even blew out her candles or opened and gifts yet. I was so pissed to say the least. Thank goodness Abby was so busy that she did not even notice but I did not care about any of that. He should have been there and it should have been #1 on his list. That was it for me. After the party I told him that was it and he needed to get straight or get out. And he is clean now. That is why I have so much to day about addictions and why I can't feel sorry for addicts. If I can't feel sorry for my husband doing that I for sure can't feel sorry for others that do it. I wish them all well and I hope that they will get clean but that is all I can do.
Well I guess that I hae done enough ranting and raving tonight. Just throwing it all out there.
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