Well I had a real shitty day.
First off I did not sleep very well and felt like a big pile of shit when I got up this morning but that was not even the worst of it. On my way to work I happened to think about my
facebook(not something that I normally do while driving) and the first thing that I see a bunch of damn post that say "R.I.P John Parker" I did not know what the hell was going on. I was really freaking out. So I finally ended up figuring out what happened. I
wnet to school with a guy by the name of John Parker, he was a really good friend of mine and I have know him since I moved to
Burkburnett, he lived a few houses down from me. Well it ends up that last night John was on his way home from picking up his motorcycle and wrecked. They are not sure if he lost control or if there was someone else involved who ran him off the road. It is still being investigated. By the time that help got there it was too late. He was not wearing a helmet and was thrown off the motorcycle, he died from blunt force
trauma to the head.
I remember the very first time that I met John. I had just moved to
Burkburnett, the summer before my 8
th grade year, he rode the bus to school with me. He had such an amazing smile and would do anything for anybody. We were friends right from the start. And we stayed friends throughout the years.
Dear John,
I know that you are in heaven right now looking down on us all, you should know that we all miss you very much. It breaks my heart that your life had to come to such an early end. I know that you had many things left that you wanted to do. I can tell you that I will never forget you. You made such an impact on my life and made it so much better by just being a part of it. I feel so bless to have gotten the chance to know you. I will never forget the times that we spent together from riding the bus to partying. It was all wonderful. I sit here with tears in my eyes just wondering how it is possible that I will not see you on this earth again. I am just at a loss. I kept thinking all day that it did not really happen, I thought that when i was on my way out to my Moms house to get Abby this afternoon that I would see you in the front yard of your house. And when I drove by and did not see what I wanted I just wanted to believe that you were gone to run on
errand. I am not sure when it will sink in, maybe after the funeral, I don't know. But I do know that just thinking about you not being here breaks my heart. I will be praying for you family and will be missing you like crazy. i know that you are in a better place than we are and there is no reason for me to be selfish. Some day I will be there with you just like old times. Please John save a spot for me close to you. I can't wait to see your smile again.
Always loved you and always will, Ashley
It is times like this that I just don't understand why..why things like this have to happen. I know that it happens all the time and it is awful but it doesn't make it any easier to understand. So all things happen for a reason??? Yes that is what we are told. At the moment for me I can't seem to find the reason. What about John's parents?? His sister?? All his friends and family?? It just does not seem fair. I know that GOD has a plan but I wish that it was easier to understand sometimes. Everyone should be thankful for everyone and everything in their life. There are some people in the world that had planned on doing somethings or meeting some people and didn't get the chance because their life was cut short here on earth. Take advantage of the time that you have here, you are not promised another day.
I miss you and love you John Boy!
Lost here on Earth, Ashley