Honesty..........................What does it mean to you? For some it is not high up on the scale of importance. For me it is a must. There is nothing more in the world that I hate the most than someone making me feel stupid, when I know that I am not. I. Hate. That. 1. Don't talk to me like I am a child! 2. Don't lie to me. 3. Be honest with me about everything. Three small things that for some are damn near impossible.
What happened to bring this on, you maybe wondering. Not just one thing. I think that I really just need to vent and let it all out. Do you know anyone who does the following---Ask you for advice and when you start to tell them what you think about the situation, they are quick to interrupt and tell you how what you were about to say(because you didn't get to finish) is not going to work and it was stupid for you to even say something like that. Do you know anyone like that??? Don't ask if you REALLY don't want to know!! Make is easier on the both of us and just don't ask for advice or hell just don't even talk to me! I enjoy having conversations that are NOT one sided and that are not just all about you.
Do you know someone who loves nothing more than to have DRAMA in their life all day everyday??? Yea, I figured you did. There is one in every family, in every work place, in your class at school or whatever may apply to you. They are everywhere. And well, they just plain suck! Can they not tell that no one gives a shit about all the stupid drama that they have going in their life....that I am 99% sure that they brought on themselves!!! Wears me out.
Sometimes I just think about the saying "out with the old and in with the new".
I think about what it means to me and if that would be good or bad. At first I think bad, since I am not all about change....but then I think hmmmm that might be nice.
Alright, I need to just get off my soap box. What a silly blog post.....Oh well. I am just happy that its on here and not in my head anymore. :)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Happy Monday! If that is even possible. :)
Wow, my daughter is NOT a morning person. She was in a bad funk this morning. She acts just like her Daddy in the morning. Haha. I am not really a morning person but I am not in a funk like that. If school started at 930 or 10 she would be fine and have no problems at all but since that is not the case....she has a hard time each and every morning. Bless her heart and mine. :)
I have accomplished a lot this morning. Kitchen is clean, living room is clean, started laundry and I am fixing to jump in the shower and get ready to head to school for Art class with the kiddos. :) Fun stuff.
I loved the Ranger game last night. So thankful that they were able to get a win!! And I hope that it continues tonight! Just want to throw out there that Derek Holland is the man!!! Wow! He was perfect last night! Love him...not really digging the stuff he has got going on on that lip of his but I am digging him and his mad pitching skills!!!

Wow, my daughter is NOT a morning person. She was in a bad funk this morning. She acts just like her Daddy in the morning. Haha. I am not really a morning person but I am not in a funk like that. If school started at 930 or 10 she would be fine and have no problems at all but since that is not the case....she has a hard time each and every morning. Bless her heart and mine. :)
I have accomplished a lot this morning. Kitchen is clean, living room is clean, started laundry and I am fixing to jump in the shower and get ready to head to school for Art class with the kiddos. :) Fun stuff.
I loved the Ranger game last night. So thankful that they were able to get a win!! And I hope that it continues tonight! Just want to throw out there that Derek Holland is the man!!! Wow! He was perfect last night! Love him...not really digging the stuff he has got going on on that lip of his but I am digging him and his mad pitching skills!!!
Cracks me up!! |
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
This and That
It has been a while.....I have been busy. We seem to have so many things going on it is hard to make time to sit and relax with a little blogging time. I have missed it. I guess it is a release for me. I just get to sit and let it all out and then I feel better and go on about my business. :)
I will be headed to the school today to help out in about in hour or so. I am really not feeling it today. I think that it is because of the weather. It is so chilly and windy. I freaking love it....well I would love it so much more if I did not have to go anywhere today. But I do so I guess I will just have to deal.
Looks like we should be able to finish up the move this weekend. :) Ughhh, I am so ready to have it all done and over with. I have so much to clean and paint and get ready before my renters (My sister in law and her girls) move in. I am not looking forward to busting ass over there every single day for the next couple of weeks. But again I will have to deal.
I am missing my friends...I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to go and visit them sometime this week. I hope that it is in my cards. :) I need a drink or two with Steph. I miss her like crazy. I need to go and see them all!! But for really it is time for Steph and I to have a date!!!!! I do have some free movie tickets that we need to use. :)
I think that I am going to get with James Deen, my tattoo man, and set up a time where he can hook me up. I am in need of another tat! Yes, I said need. I really feel the need to get another one. I love getting them done:) Maybe it is like blogging in a way...a release...time to relax. Whatever it is I love it and I am ready to get it done. :)
Abby is doing so good in school. I can't believe that she has already been in school long enough to get her report card! That is just crazy to me. And she it still loving every second of it. And that makes me one happy Momma!!! I am so ready to have a baby! We are trying...I am more than ready. Abby is too. And so is Justin. I am ready to have a wonderful addition to our lil family.
Well it is time for me to get a few things done around here and then head to the school. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!
Oh yea, I love the Rangers!!!!!!
I will be headed to the school today to help out in about in hour or so. I am really not feeling it today. I think that it is because of the weather. It is so chilly and windy. I freaking love it....well I would love it so much more if I did not have to go anywhere today. But I do so I guess I will just have to deal.
Looks like we should be able to finish up the move this weekend. :) Ughhh, I am so ready to have it all done and over with. I have so much to clean and paint and get ready before my renters (My sister in law and her girls) move in. I am not looking forward to busting ass over there every single day for the next couple of weeks. But again I will have to deal.
I am missing my friends...I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to go and visit them sometime this week. I hope that it is in my cards. :) I need a drink or two with Steph. I miss her like crazy. I need to go and see them all!! But for really it is time for Steph and I to have a date!!!!! I do have some free movie tickets that we need to use. :)
I think that I am going to get with James Deen, my tattoo man, and set up a time where he can hook me up. I am in need of another tat! Yes, I said need. I really feel the need to get another one. I love getting them done:) Maybe it is like blogging in a way...a release...time to relax. Whatever it is I love it and I am ready to get it done. :)
Abby is doing so good in school. I can't believe that she has already been in school long enough to get her report card! That is just crazy to me. And she it still loving every second of it. And that makes me one happy Momma!!! I am so ready to have a baby! We are trying...I am more than ready. Abby is too. And so is Justin. I am ready to have a wonderful addition to our lil family.
Well it is time for me to get a few things done around here and then head to the school. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!
Oh yea, I love the Rangers!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I have been so busy and I am worn smooth out. Man, moving really blows and I am very happy to say that after I get this move complete I will not be moving anymore. :) That within itself makes me a very happy woman. We still have a lot to move but it will get done sooner or later. :) I am not gonna drive myself crazy trying to get it all done in a day or two.
Today was parent/teacher meeting day for me and we got Abby's very first report card. :) She is doing great. I am such a proud Momma! I have known that she was smart since she was born..lol...but know I really really know now. Haha. Really she is doing good in school. She has already learned so much and I can't even imagine what all she will have learned in six more weeks. I am still loving her teacher...well...besides the fact that she is a OU fan....Yea, not good..not good at all. We do lie in TEXAS!!! And no, I do not want to talk about the score of the last game!!! Wow. No good. No good.
Not sure what my plans are tomorrow but I think I may try and take it easy. I have been so busy trying to get things in order and I am tired. I am so glad that I am not working because there is no way in hell that I would be able to get anything done at all and still be alive. Abby was out of school yesterday so I did not have to go help out in her class but I will be back up there on Thursday. Abby went to her book fair today! She was very excited. After the parent/teacher meeting we went and checked it out. She picked out she 3 books and a couple of book marks. It took me back the second she came home with the little flier in her backpack. What kid does not love book fairs???
I have been loving the Rangers and how they have been playing but tonight this game is just making me sick!! I don't get it. It is from one extreme to the next. Out bullpen is not cutting it tonight at all!! I would love nothing more then for them to rally in the 9th inning and kick some ass but I am afraid that is not gonna be the case tonight. But tomorrow is a new day and they will be back on track!
Time to finish the game and I think that I may sit on the back porch for a bit and listen to the thunder and enjoy the light show. I. Love. Living. In. The. Country.
Today was parent/teacher meeting day for me and we got Abby's very first report card. :) She is doing great. I am such a proud Momma! I have known that she was smart since she was born..lol...but know I really really know now. Haha. Really she is doing good in school. She has already learned so much and I can't even imagine what all she will have learned in six more weeks. I am still loving her teacher...well...besides the fact that she is a OU fan....Yea, not good..not good at all. We do lie in TEXAS!!! And no, I do not want to talk about the score of the last game!!! Wow. No good. No good.
Not sure what my plans are tomorrow but I think I may try and take it easy. I have been so busy trying to get things in order and I am tired. I am so glad that I am not working because there is no way in hell that I would be able to get anything done at all and still be alive. Abby was out of school yesterday so I did not have to go help out in her class but I will be back up there on Thursday. Abby went to her book fair today! She was very excited. After the parent/teacher meeting we went and checked it out. She picked out she 3 books and a couple of book marks. It took me back the second she came home with the little flier in her backpack. What kid does not love book fairs???
I have been loving the Rangers and how they have been playing but tonight this game is just making me sick!! I don't get it. It is from one extreme to the next. Out bullpen is not cutting it tonight at all!! I would love nothing more then for them to rally in the 9th inning and kick some ass but I am afraid that is not gonna be the case tonight. But tomorrow is a new day and they will be back on track!
Time to finish the game and I think that I may sit on the back porch for a bit and listen to the thunder and enjoy the light show. I. Love. Living. In. The. Country.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday
This week seems to be moving by pretty slow. I thought for sure when I woke up this morning it was at least Thursday!! But no such luck!
Had a pretty busy day yesterday at school with all the kids. I really don't know how the teacher, Mrs. Stonner, does it all by herself! She is really some kind of woman. I was only there for a couple of hours and I was wore smooth out. I guess that some days are better than others but some of the kids in there are pretty unruly! And that is putting it nicely. But at the same time I do really enjoy going up there and helping out. :)
Isn't is crazy how one day out of the blue you just have a really hard time with missing someone that you have lost. I mean, I miss my Papa everyday but today is just one of those days where I would just love to pick up the phone and just hear his voice. He was not much of a talking on the phone man but we always had wonderful conversations. And today I just wish that I could have one of those. He was such an incredible man. I am thankful every single day that Abby got the chance to meet him. She adored him and he adored her. Oh boy, do I miss him like crazy!!!!!
Soccer game tonight! :) And I am the snack Mom tonight! Haha. Abby is ready! She did really good in practice last night, I was so proud! She is learning more and more everyday! It is amazing how fast they learn things. Very smart girl....if I do say so myself!!
Well I gotta get this house in order and head to the store before I go and pick Abby up from school!
I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day!
Thank you Steph for calling me today! I really needed to hear your voice!:) It made my day! Thank you!!!
Had a pretty busy day yesterday at school with all the kids. I really don't know how the teacher, Mrs. Stonner, does it all by herself! She is really some kind of woman. I was only there for a couple of hours and I was wore smooth out. I guess that some days are better than others but some of the kids in there are pretty unruly! And that is putting it nicely. But at the same time I do really enjoy going up there and helping out. :)
Isn't is crazy how one day out of the blue you just have a really hard time with missing someone that you have lost. I mean, I miss my Papa everyday but today is just one of those days where I would just love to pick up the phone and just hear his voice. He was not much of a talking on the phone man but we always had wonderful conversations. And today I just wish that I could have one of those. He was such an incredible man. I am thankful every single day that Abby got the chance to meet him. She adored him and he adored her. Oh boy, do I miss him like crazy!!!!!
Soccer game tonight! :) And I am the snack Mom tonight! Haha. Abby is ready! She did really good in practice last night, I was so proud! She is learning more and more everyday! It is amazing how fast they learn things. Very smart girl....if I do say so myself!!
Well I gotta get this house in order and head to the store before I go and pick Abby up from school!
I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day!
Thank you Steph for calling me today! I really needed to hear your voice!:) It made my day! Thank you!!!
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