Friday, July 29, 2011

Ruidoso, New Mexico

Well we are officially on vacation and I am loving every second of it. The weather here is amazing. At the moment my Mom and I are sitting on the balcony and it is actually chilly. Yea it is crazy stuff. I love this so much and I think that I may just want to stay here for the rest of the summer. I am so tired of the Texas heat. Abby is swimming with Pops and Justin and Dalten are looking for deer and bears. Haha. And they just found a skunk. Yea they don't have very good luck. Justin and I did see about 4 deer on out way to town earlier. In the mornings here you can see deer all over the place. So in the morning I will be sitting on the balcony, sipping my coffee and watching them.
I think that we are going to the horse races tomorrow. Abby is pretty excited about that. She has never been to the races before. It has been years since I have gone so I am sure that we will all have a blast. Well I guess that I will just kick back and enjoy this wonderful weather.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


First day back at work this week and I am more than ready for vacation! It will be so nice to have a little break from all the work business. We are headed to Ruidosa, New Mexico for about a week! I am so very much looking forward to it! It is cooler there!! In the mornings and evenings in the mid 60's! That is what I am talking about! I am sick and tired of this heat! All in all I am pretty excited about the trip...there is just one thing that I am sad about........The condo that we are staying in does not have HBO!!!! What the hell kind of place is that?!? This girl will be having True Blood withdrawals!! I don't even want to think about it! I am sure that the first thing that I will do when I get home is watch it! That is if I don't buy it on the I pad while I am there! Cause I have already been checking into it!! And I will so do it!

So while we are out of town my brother, Colten, is going to stay at our house and take care of our doggies! I am so glad that I don't have to worry about who is going to be taking care of them. He will be here the entire time we are gone so I will not have to worry about if someone came over and let them out or not. I feel so much better about the entire situation now! My dogs are like my children...they have to be taken care of properly! And with him staying at the house they will not be so sad while we are gone. I am a happy camper now! Thanks Bub!!

I am thinking that I am need of a movie with Steph! She is the only person that I go and see movies with!! Haha. I am not kidding. But I am really in need of a evening of no kiddo and no hubby! We can go see a movie or just chill at your house and watch True Blood!! When I get back we have to make some plans! That maybe include a drink...or two!:)

Oh vaca I am so ready for you! Hurry it up already!!

Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baby Lola!

Here are a couple of pics of beautiful Baby Lola!!

I love her!

Abby wanted to keep her!:)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Busy Business

Here it is Monday night and I am wondering where the weekend went. It was over before it started.

We had a garage sale on Saturday and it was no fun. It was hot and ummm it was hot. I have decided that garage sales are not worth all the trouble that you have to go through to get everything ready for them. So my Mom and I will not be having anymore garage sales. We will just load up all the stuff and donate it. I am all about going to garage sales but not so much about having one of my own. I think that my house is a bigger mess now that we have had the garage sale than it was before we had it. Yea it does not make sense to me either!

Saturday afternoon Abby and I met my Dad and Step Mom in Wichita to get some school shopping done for Abby. My little girl is growing up! We had a great time and found lots of good sales! it was great to get to spend time with my Dad! We still have some shopping to do for Abby but we did get it started and she is very excited!

Sunday we really did not do to much. I of course watched True Blood and love every second of it! I really can not get enough of that show! It is crazy! Best. Show. Ever.

Monday.....well today was pretty much just like any other Monday. My Step Sister did have her lil baby girl today! :) She is beautiful! Her name is Lola and she weighed 6'6. Chubby lil cheeks and a head full of beautiful hair. I love her. Abby decided that she needs "one" a baby sister or brother that is. Haha. I told her that she needed to talk to her Daddy about it. And she did. Not sure that he will be as quick to jump on the band wagon tho. We will see...we will see. Lord knows I am not getting any younger! So say a little prayer for me...or for Justin....that he will decide to be on the same wagon with Abby and I!!! ;)

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Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Friday, July 15, 2011


I love that today is Friday!! And it is payday!!! I am so ready to get off work today and head home to get everything together for the garage sale in the morning. I am ready for it to be over and for my house to have less clutter. I am hoping that I will be able to do some cleaning tomorrow too. It is crazy how your jplans for the weekend change after you get married and have kids. Haha. I am pretty much just a bore these days. It is always the same thing over and over again for me. Clean house, do laundry, cook, and well do it all over again. Oh the joys. But I can say that I love my life. Maybe not the laundry and cleaning but it just happens to be part of the package. :)

Well time for lunch, Subway, Stephs choice. ;)

Happy Friday!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Just One More Day

Yay for tomorrow being Friday! Just one more day of work the I am free for a couple of days! I just love the fact that I am off on the weekends!

Opinions....I have pretty much been opinionated all my life. I don't think that there is anything wrong with being opinionated. It can become a problem when you are so opinionated that you push your opinion off on others. I really don't think that I do that. I will make my opinion heard and then be done with it. I don't think that I am a knower of all things. There are so very many things that I don't know and I think that is pretty much right for everyone. In life you encounter people who actually believe that they know everything and that their "opinion" is fact. People like this can be very hard to get along with. Normal conversations with people like this can be very difficult..and soon after the conversation starts it will be lead to something about them and what they think, like, do, ect. Some days I have a high tolerance for this craziness but other days I do not. People like this will wear me out quick! So do I make mistakes?? Ummm hell yes I do and guess what??? You do too! Even if you don't want to admit do. No one in this world is perfect!! No one! I make mistakes. My family makes mistakes. I will make more mistakes in mu life and so will my family. That is just how it goes! I am no better than anyone else and no one is better than me. This seems like a pretty simple things to grasp but I can assure you that for some it is far from simple! And it is not a "phase" that people grow out of. That is just how they are.

Money..Nope I don't have much. Yes I could use some more. But money has nothing to do with my happiness! You have problems when you don't have enough money and you will have problems when you have plenty of money. The only thing that will change is the size of the problem. More money=a bigger problem.

I don't care what clothes you wear, what shoes are on your feet or what kind of car you drive. I am happy with what I have...what I have worked for! Talk about it all day long. Smile about it. Brag about it. Freaking dance around about it. Yep I don't care. I am me and I am happy! You will not bring me down. You say that you are blessed. Well guess what, I know that I am blessed..not with lots of money..a big ass house or a fancy car but I am blessed with wonderful, super great family and friends!

You may wonder where all this crap came from and really I am not sure. Sometimes you just start thinking and can't stop...I guess this was one of those times.

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Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lazy Day

Well Abby and I are fixing to head out to my Mommas house so that she can highlight my hair and Abby can play with Boo. Then it's back home to maybe finish up the laundry and do a little cleaning. Justin is still in bed! He'll it must be nice to sleep late! I would not know since Abby is not all about sleeping till noon!

My brother and Step Dad should make it home sometime tonight from Florida. Abby is pretty excited to see them. She has been missing them like crazy. And for some reason she thinks that if you go some where without her that when you get back, you will have a surprise for her. S she is excited to see what they got her.

Time to head out! Have a happy Sunday!

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Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Super Saturday

Thanks to my friend Steph I got out of the house today child free! We have both been wanting to see Bridesmaids and we finally went today with her cutie son Gage! It was the greatest! I loved every minute of it! I pretty much laughed my ass off the entire time!

There could not have been better actresses for this movie! It was perfect! I am ready to see it again! I will for sure be buying it when it comes out on DVD!

Abby got to stay with my Momma while I went to the movies and en her Daddy picked her up and the spent some time together! They went shopping at Wal Mart and bought a pool to take out to my Moms house for her and Bella Boo, the Great Dane, to play in. When I got to my Moms Abby and Bella were playing outside in the pool. Seemed like Abby had a good time today with her Mawpa and Daddy! I am glad because this Momma needed a few hours of relaxing and having s good time without having to worry about my kiddo getting into things. I really don't do stuff like that often enough. And I think that I should!:)

As for my Brother, Step Dad and the shuttle launch.... They said that it was amazing to be there and see it! They seem to be having a wonderful time in Florida! I would have loved to go but I am not much of a long riding trip kinda girl! I would have to fly or split up the driving into several days. They drove straight through! Here is no way that I could have done that! They have been pretty much all over that area of Florida and are loving every bit of it! Maybe some day I will get the chance to go and it not be such a fast trip. I love any beach and would love to see the beaches there. I can't wait to see pics!

Well I think that it is time for bed. I am pretty worn out and really did nothing today, I am just gonna blame it on the heat!

Oh yea how bout them Rangers!!!! I <3 Josh Hamilton! Such a little hottie!

And I am sooooo ready for True Blood tomorrow night! Things are going to be getting pretty heated between Eric and Sookie!!! Well I hope they do! Mmmmm, I love Eric!

Good night!

Thanks for the invite Steph! I had a great time!

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Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Friday, July 8, 2011

Good Start

I love the weekends! I had a very short week this week and I was still looking forward to Friday!

After work my sis in law and her fam came over to hang out for a while. Abby and Kenzie played, Justin hung out in the living room and us girls just sat and BSed for a few hours! We always have the greatest conversations. For real. You never know what is going to come up when we are together. Makayla, my niece, pretty much thinks that I am a crazy girl. I think that she spends most on the time laughing when she is at my house. And well...I think that is great. I love just to hang out, talk and laugh! That makes me a very happy girl.

One of the topics that we covered today was about guys and what Makayla should and should not do. Bless her heart. I did tell her to be sure and marry an orphan! She was laughing and I was too but I made she she knew that I was not joking about it. It was serious business! I think that Mel will have her hands full with her as she gets a little older. She is such a pretty girl and sooo boy crazy! I love it. Haha. I love it because I am not having to deal with it with my daughter! And I already know that I will have my hands full with Abby! She is a mess!

Now Abby is fast asleep, thank goodness, she was a busy bee this evening and Justin and I are a lying in the bed watching Inception. This is one crazy ass movie! I think that I am pretty much lost. I did not catch the first of it and this is not one of those movies that you can just pick right up on! Haha. Or at least I can't!

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Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just thinking...

On the 23rd of this month Justin and I will have been married for 6 years. Wow. And we have actually been together for 10 years! That is a long ass time. I am really surprised that we have been able to put up with each other for that long.

We starting dating when we were 18. I never thought for a second that we would get married and have a wonderful baby girl. I guess that things don't always go as you think they should and there are reasons that they don't.

Justin and I have been through hell and back during these 10 years. I really think that I should be given some kind of award. A BIG award. I have heard people over the years say many different things about marriage and most of them are BS. But I will share a few things that I have learned during 10 years.

1. Have you heard the saying "All you need is love"? Well that is a crock. Marriage is hard and if all I needed was love then it would be easy. You need love but you also need many other things.

2. Most men are selfish. I really wanted to say all men but I won't be a huge profiler. If they are selfish before you have kids...yep they will be just as selfish after you have kids. But when you have kids they use them as an excuse to get the things that they want. Ex. My Husband wanted this huge go cart dune buggy thing and he bought it for Abby not for himself. She is 5. It goes 45 mph.... Ummm yea I am not buying that shit for one second.

3. You CANNOT change people. No matter what. You can't!! You can attempt to "train" but that is about it. Unless the other person wants to change there is no hope.

4. My Mom always told me to marry an orphan. I never really fully understood why...until I married Justin. And he is not an orphan. I will just say that bad in laws can destroy your marriage, if you let them. Please listen to your Mom. She really does know best!!!!!

5. I am sure that you have heard that sex ends after you get married...It is more likely to end after you have kids than after you get married. You can't let time get away from you. You have to make time for each other. That is something that I still continue to do. It is very hard to make time for just the two of you with work, kids and everything else going on but you have to.

6. Compromise! This is the most important and I would say the hardest for me. I like to have things my way. My Mom always tells me to "choose my battles". I try but it is hard sometimes. I think it would be easier is he could do the compromising and I could just have things my way all the time!

7. Be honest. Most of the time when the trust is gone so is your relationship.

Speaking of honesty. I never thought that I was the marrying type. I knew that I wanted kids but never really had the want and urge to get married. I think that was because I like things my way. But I guess that God had a different plan for me.

Well, here is to 6 years of marriage. :)

I love you Justin Lewis!!!

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Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Day Off

Had a pretty uneventful day off! Abby and I cleaned house,laid around watching movies and took a super wonderful nap! Baths are done, supper is done, now we are just waiting on Justin to get home from work!

We went to the store earlier and it is really too hot to be outside! I feel so bad for my Hubby and brother, Colten, who have to work out in it all day. I am usually a big fan of summer time but not so much now. It is just sickening hot out there! I am sure that my electric bill is going to be sky high...which sucks big time!

Abby and I just finished watching Tangled for the second time today. That is really a cute movie. She loves it! I think that I need to see about getting her the soundtrack because she loves the singing parts on there. She will pause it when it gets to the first singing part and run in her room to put her princess dress on. Cracks me up. Then once she is all dressed she gets the microphone and sings and dances all over the house! I love it! Oh to be young again!

Back to work in the morning for one day then off for the weekend! No big plans and that is fine with me! I am trying to get all my laundry done today so that I don't have to do it all this weekend!

Well time to get back to my laundry!

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Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hump Day Ending

Got off work a little after 4 today and headed home to visit with my Step Dad and brother Dalten before they headed out on their road trip. They are driving to Florida for the space shuttle launch. They are pretty excited. Please pray for their safe travels! Dalten and his friend Zac have never been to Florida...Oh to be 18 and headed to Florida!! That would be greatness. I am sure that they are more ready for the beach and hot chicks than the shuttle! Lol! Either way I am sure that they will have an interesting trip to say the least! I would have loved to go but I am not at all great on long road trips. That would just be way too long for me to ride without stopping somewhere for the night! I am just a little bit too old for that business! I can't wait to hear about the adventures they encounter along the way! And see their pics! I will for sure post some when they get back. I just hope that the shuttle launches on time. There is like a 60% chance that launch will be a no go on Friday due to the weather. And a 40% chance on Saturday that it will be a no go due to weather. They all decided that no matter how long it takes they will just hang out and wait! So let's hope that all goes well and launch is on schedule!

Ranger game was some greatness tonight! I love to watch them kick ass! And after the game I was even able to catch True Blood on and watched the newest episode over again!! Yes I know, I seriously can't get enough of it! I would have to say that it has to be the best show EVER!!!! I am sooo flipping glad that Steph talked me into watching it!

I am sure that I have mentioned before that I have a Pit Bull...and no she is not some killer dog! She is my baby. She is 9 years old and Justin and I have had her since she was 5 weeks old! I adore her. She was really my first child! She is the best dog ever. Pit Bulls usually only live to 10 to 12 years. The past year or two she has really started turning gray. At night I just lay in bed with her and cry thinking about something happening to her. I hate it. About two weeks ago we noticed that she was slobbering quite a bit on one side of her mouth...after noticing that we seen that she was not able to lift her right ear up....and after that the right side of her lip seemed to be hanging down further than the left side. With everything that she has going on I assume that she had a stroke. We took her to the vet and really did not find anything out that we didn't already know. Apparently strokes are pretty rare in dogs. Hmm. I don't know. Sounds like pretty basic stroke signs to me. The lip now seems not to be hanging down as far and the slobbering is not as bad as it was but, she is still unable to move her ear and she now is having a little trouble with her balance. She is not in any pain at all. A little slower at getting around but still acts like my same lil Momma Dog! Say a little prayer for my little Cloie dog please. I love her so much. I would just be lost without her. Even with everything that she has going on, not long after I got home today there was someone at the door and she was going nuts. I was in my bedroom fixing to change clothes and heard her and Shelton barking. It was some security system scam guy. Yea really get the hell off my front porch with your scamming ass! He had just really gotten into his spill about how it was free...blah...blah.. And I said to him..."I have all the security I need honey...a big ass Pit Bull and I am always packing my 9!" With that being said, he headed right down the stairs off my front porch and went on to the next house without another word!! Haha. I bet that he will not be back at my house! My Cloie can take care of business and anything she can't take care and my 9 can handle it!!!

Good night!

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Location:Glendale St,Burkburnett,United States

Happy Hump Day!

This short week has gotten even shorter for me:) I don't have to work tomorrow...actually no one has to work at the Endoscopy Center tomorrow-We have NO patients tomorrow! I am not sure what I my plans are but I can asure you that I will not be getting up early!! Abby and I will get to spend a day together just the two of us. I love love love that! Maybe  hitting up the Red Box today for some movies for my baby girl and I!

So glad to have my friend back at work this week:) I have missed you fellow fangbanger!;)

This hot weather is really draining me. I do not want to do anything but stay in the house. It is just too damn hot to be outside. The only time that we go outside is early in the morning or late in the evening. And really even then it is still hot. Ughh. I am ready for a little bit of a cool down. And ummmm maybe some flippin rain!!!!!! That would be super. I just would love to be able to walk outside and smell the rain! A girl can dream right?? It is pretty bad when we are all having to dream about rain. Wow.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Good Stuff

I had such a wonderful weekend. It was so nice to have an extra day off from work. I really did not do much this weekend. And that is what made it soooo wonderful. Just hung out with my baby girl, hubby and fam. We all laid around and watched movies, stayed up late and slept in. P.E.R.F.E.C.T!!

Sunday I watched True Blood and OH EM GEE! I love that freakin show. I love it more and more everytime I watch it.

I could just look up pics alllllllll day long.