So here I am just wondering where the time went..Life is just bittersweet.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
So today was the day. My daughter is now enrolled in school. She was a little nervous about going up there at first but once we got there she was fine. Now she is really excited about school. I on the other hand, still feel the same about it all....Bittersweet. I am so happy about the new experiences coming her way and I know that she will have a wonderful time at school.....but i am the Momma that is not so ready for her baby girl to grow up. It really just seems like yesterday that I was big, prego and couldn't wait to hold her in my arms. Now she is five and is ready to take on the world..ok maybe not the world but she is ready for kindergarten!!

So here I am just wondering where the time went..Life is just bittersweet.
So here I am just wondering where the time went..Life is just bittersweet.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Here it is already Sunday!:( I am just not ready for work in the morning. The weekend just goes by to fast these days. I had a wonderful weekend. We spent the day at my Memaw's house and had a great time.
I am off work on Tuesday! I love being off work any other time but this time not so much. That morning Abby and I get to enroll her for kindergarten!!so yes, I am freaking out a little bit...or maybe a bunch. My little girl is growing up. :( I am not ready for all this business. I know that this is all part of life but it makes me sad and I feel like I am on the verge of a panic attack. I am sure that I will be fine but you should know that I have no Xanax to help me out!! I need to go back to the Dr and get my script refilled. I will for sure be going to the Dr before her first day of school!!!!
And then Tuesday afternoon Abby and I are taking my Hubby to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. No fun at all. I am sure that he will not be in a good mood after all of that! I would much rather be at work than having to do this stuff. :(
Well time to get my lil girl ready for bed. I don't want to blink I am afraid that I may miss something. She is growing up too fast for me!!
Hope everyone has a great week!!
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I am off work on Tuesday! I love being off work any other time but this time not so much. That morning Abby and I get to enroll her for kindergarten!!so yes, I am freaking out a little bit...or maybe a bunch. My little girl is growing up. :( I am not ready for all this business. I know that this is all part of life but it makes me sad and I feel like I am on the verge of a panic attack. I am sure that I will be fine but you should know that I have no Xanax to help me out!! I need to go back to the Dr and get my script refilled. I will for sure be going to the Dr before her first day of school!!!!
And then Tuesday afternoon Abby and I are taking my Hubby to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. No fun at all. I am sure that he will not be in a good mood after all of that! I would much rather be at work than having to do this stuff. :(
Well time to get my lil girl ready for bed. I don't want to blink I am afraid that I may miss something. She is growing up too fast for me!!
Hope everyone has a great week!!
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
Thursday Thoughts...
~Tomorrow is Friday.....Enough said!!:)
~Work lasted forever today.
~Happy Birthday to my sweet and very wonderful Memaw!!!
~My allergies are killing me and I am so sick of them!!
~I wish that it was not busy at work tomorrow. I think that all Fridays should be easy days!
~Patience is something that I have not had very much of lately.
~I am so ready to see my fam this weekend!!
~Abby is ready to ride her new go-cart!! I will take some pics this weekend!
~I am ready for bed...right after I take some allergy medicine.
Night Night!!
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~Work lasted forever today.
~Happy Birthday to my sweet and very wonderful Memaw!!!
~My allergies are killing me and I am so sick of them!!
~I wish that it was not busy at work tomorrow. I think that all Fridays should be easy days!
~Patience is something that I have not had very much of lately.
~I am so ready to see my fam this weekend!!
~Abby is ready to ride her new go-cart!! I will take some pics this weekend!
~I am ready for bed...right after I take some allergy medicine.
Night Night!!
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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Only Tuesday???
What the heck?? Why is it only Tuesday?? I was for sure that today was at least Wednesday!! But no such luck! Long day at work. For some reason the days just seem to be dragging by at work and then by the time that I get off work it is time for bed before I even have time to get anything done. I think that this time change has got me all kinds of messed up. I really hope that I adjust soon!
I am so ready for the weekend. We are going to my Mmaws house that is out in the country, outside a very small town. I love being out there. I have no cell phone service and it is wonderful. I feel at peace out there. It also reminds me how much I miss my Papa. :( All the fam will be out there for my sweet Memaws birthday and mine too! We always celebrate our birthdays together with the fam! I am going to be sure and take my camera and get some pics of all my loved ones.
This afternoon at work I checked in this little 85 year old man,( who was the cutest man ever) and I just fell in love with him. I love to talk to the patients and hear their story. His wife was telling me how he had recently gotten pretty sick and they can't seem to figure out what is the matter with him. He had been in and out of the hospital the past few months and was just not getting any better. Today he had a colonoscopy done. He is 85 and had never had one done before. After I got him all checked in I just could not stop thinking about him. I just had this gut feeling that he was going to get bad news and it was just about making me sick. I was going to pick up the charts from the recovery room and the Dr was talking to him, his wife and his daughter. He had cancer. He had two pretty large masses in his colon. He is set to see a surgeon on Thursday. As I type this, I am tearing up. I am not usually this way with all the patients. I care about them and I don't want anyone to get bad news but some just really touch your heart. He was one of them. I only talked to him for a few minutes but that was enough to make a lasting impression on me. So tonight when I say my prayers I will be saying one for him! And if you are reading this just take a second and say a little prayer for him as well. It would really mean a lot to me. I may never see him again...and I may not ever know the outcome of his surgery but he is on my mind now and I think that he could use a few extra prayers!!! Thanks!!!
Time for bed!! Nighty Night!!
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I am so ready for the weekend. We are going to my Mmaws house that is out in the country, outside a very small town. I love being out there. I have no cell phone service and it is wonderful. I feel at peace out there. It also reminds me how much I miss my Papa. :( All the fam will be out there for my sweet Memaws birthday and mine too! We always celebrate our birthdays together with the fam! I am going to be sure and take my camera and get some pics of all my loved ones.
This afternoon at work I checked in this little 85 year old man,( who was the cutest man ever) and I just fell in love with him. I love to talk to the patients and hear their story. His wife was telling me how he had recently gotten pretty sick and they can't seem to figure out what is the matter with him. He had been in and out of the hospital the past few months and was just not getting any better. Today he had a colonoscopy done. He is 85 and had never had one done before. After I got him all checked in I just could not stop thinking about him. I just had this gut feeling that he was going to get bad news and it was just about making me sick. I was going to pick up the charts from the recovery room and the Dr was talking to him, his wife and his daughter. He had cancer. He had two pretty large masses in his colon. He is set to see a surgeon on Thursday. As I type this, I am tearing up. I am not usually this way with all the patients. I care about them and I don't want anyone to get bad news but some just really touch your heart. He was one of them. I only talked to him for a few minutes but that was enough to make a lasting impression on me. So tonight when I say my prayers I will be saying one for him! And if you are reading this just take a second and say a little prayer for him as well. It would really mean a lot to me. I may never see him again...and I may not ever know the outcome of his surgery but he is on my mind now and I think that he could use a few extra prayers!!! Thanks!!!
Time for bed!! Nighty Night!!
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Saturday, March 19, 2011
So super that today is Saturday. Woke up pretty early this morning and got busy cleaning this messy house. All that is left is the mountains of laundry. Ughh not looking forward to all that. But someone has to do it and I guess that someone is me!! I guess that I am the lucky one today! Yea right!!
Yesterday was the longest day ever. I did not think that it was ever going to be time for bed! I was a very very tired woman. Thank goodness Abby was pretty tired herself and we were in the bed and asleep by 9:30!!! It is so pretty outside today. Abby is in the back yard right now playing the the dirt and on the swing set. Oh to be young again! I don't think that I am old but I will be 28 on Monday....S that means that I am almost 30!!! And that is all that I will say about that! No need to dwell on that business!!
This evening we are grilling some steaks at my Mommas and just chilling with the fam! I am ready! I love being out in the country. My Mom does not live very far out of town but it is just enough for me!! I would love to live out there. I am such a country girl at heart!! Well time to get back to the laundry!!
Have a great weekend!!
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Yesterday was the longest day ever. I did not think that it was ever going to be time for bed! I was a very very tired woman. Thank goodness Abby was pretty tired herself and we were in the bed and asleep by 9:30!!! It is so pretty outside today. Abby is in the back yard right now playing the the dirt and on the swing set. Oh to be young again! I don't think that I am old but I will be 28 on Monday....S that means that I am almost 30!!! And that is all that I will say about that! No need to dwell on that business!!
This evening we are grilling some steaks at my Mommas and just chilling with the fam! I am ready! I love being out in the country. My Mom does not live very far out of town but it is just enough for me!! I would love to live out there. I am such a country girl at heart!! Well time to get back to the laundry!!
Have a great weekend!!
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Friday, March 18, 2011
Ok, I am all about not being bored while I am at the Dr office. But I am just really really worn out with this day. I am working the front desk today and I actually was looking forward to the change of pace. I am a big talker and I love getting to talk to the patients. But any who, this afternoon a husband and wife came in, the husband is having the procedure done. So he is in the office getting checked in and his wife busted out all her bills among many other things and starts taking care of business....It was like three chairs of business. I am not joking. Is that something that has to be done right this very second??? I doubt it. That did not bother me as much as her calling every single person in her family and every single person that she knows. Not joking about this either. She has been on the phone since she finished paying bills and came up and asked for envelopes!! Oh yes…Yes she did! She has made everyone else in the waiting room feel very uncomfortable by being very loud on her phone talking about personal things. Shut up and get your lazy ass up and go outside. This poor man that is in there now is about to cut his arm off with a paper clip and I am working on cutting mine off with my keys. Errrrrr. Some peoples kids!!!!! She is still on the phone. It is never ending. I am not sure that this would get on my nerves any other day but I have been up since 3:15 because I am a clock watcher. Yea I am not sure why the hell that I do that but I do and it makes me so mad. So maybe I am just a little on edge this afternoon. Oh and all she has done this entire time on the phone is bad mouth everyone. I need a xanax and a nice cold beer. J She is a teacher. Poor kiddos that have to deal with her everyday. That would make for a very long school year. Ok, ok I am done venting about this crazy lady who cannot just chill for 5 flippin seconds!!! Take a breath and close the mouth. Not everyone wants to here all about your family business!!! I just want to throw out there that I DO NOT behave this way when I am in the public!!!!! Later On Ya’ll!!
I'm Lovin....
First off I am lovin that today is Friday. And yes I am aware that I did not even work on Monday and Tuesday but I am still ready for it!!!
I am also lovin that yesterday when I got home, my Hubby was putting in my new dishwasher that he surprised me with!!! And yes I am very excited about it. I have only been witout a dishwasher for a few days and it has been hell. I am not that girl that enjoys standing up forever in front of the sink and washing dishes. Thanks so much Sweetie for helping a girl out!!!
This is me no longer!!! |
To make yesterday even better, my Husband passed his NICET 2 test that he took in Dallas a few weeks ago!! He was so excited and I am such a proud little wifey!!!:) My Husband is a little smartie pants!! Oh yea, don't ask what NICET stands for because I do not remember but I can tell you that it has to do with Fire Protection Systems!:)
I hope that eveyone has a wonderful weekend. I know that I am! Happy Friday to all!!!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A Letter
Dear MIL,
Yet again you amaze me with the bs that you bring into my life. I really do not even know where to begin.... Your remember him right???? Yea that one! He has feelings.... Oh you didn't know??? Yea I didn't think so. You are sickening to me almost daily. I should be used to your antics by now and should not be surprised. I don't think that I am surprised by the things that you do but more surprised that a Mother could treat her own child this way...over and over again. How can you live with yourself??? How can you be "ok" with the way that you have treated your son??? Actually I don't even want to hear your lame ass excuses. I am not the one you will be having to explain it all to in the end!! That is something that you should really think about long and hard!!!!!! I wish that I could tell your son that you would change. I wish that I could tell him that one day your gonna wake up and see what you have been missing out on. Hell I have told him that crap before and just to let you know...I am certain that he does not believe me anymore. I don't think that you will ever change. You are you and you have your favorites and you love them and that is that. It is sad that your son isn't one of them!!!!! It is no secret that you don't like me. And if you don't already know, I don't like you. I did at one time. That is until you started treating your son this way. This has been going on for years. I have talked until I am freaking blue in the face and this time I am done. There is no more Mrs. Nice Girl around here!!! You always say that actions speak louder than words...I guess that we will see if that stands true. You bring so much negativity in my life. I hate it. And to think that people think that you are just the nicest person ever!!! Hahaha. They don't have a flipping clue!! There are many people that will not stand up for themselves...just to let you know, I am not one of them!!! And if need be I will stand up for others. You should be ashamed of the way that you treat him!!! I am a bitch and I don't treat people that way, especially family...he is our son for crying out loud!!!!! Your reign of control, using and taking advantage is about to come to a screeching halt! I hope you got your seat belt on!! I don't lose....I don't give up...I win. You can't treat people this way. Not on my watch. See how far that shit gets you in life.
Good Luck, Your DIL
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Yet again you amaze me with the bs that you bring into my life. I really do not even know where to begin.... Your remember him right???? Yea that one! He has feelings.... Oh you didn't know??? Yea I didn't think so. You are sickening to me almost daily. I should be used to your antics by now and should not be surprised. I don't think that I am surprised by the things that you do but more surprised that a Mother could treat her own child this way...over and over again. How can you live with yourself??? How can you be "ok" with the way that you have treated your son??? Actually I don't even want to hear your lame ass excuses. I am not the one you will be having to explain it all to in the end!! That is something that you should really think about long and hard!!!!!! I wish that I could tell your son that you would change. I wish that I could tell him that one day your gonna wake up and see what you have been missing out on. Hell I have told him that crap before and just to let you know...I am certain that he does not believe me anymore. I don't think that you will ever change. You are you and you have your favorites and you love them and that is that. It is sad that your son isn't one of them!!!!! It is no secret that you don't like me. And if you don't already know, I don't like you. I did at one time. That is until you started treating your son this way. This has been going on for years. I have talked until I am freaking blue in the face and this time I am done. There is no more Mrs. Nice Girl around here!!! You always say that actions speak louder than words...I guess that we will see if that stands true. You bring so much negativity in my life. I hate it. And to think that people think that you are just the nicest person ever!!! Hahaha. They don't have a flipping clue!! There are many people that will not stand up for themselves...just to let you know, I am not one of them!!! And if need be I will stand up for others. You should be ashamed of the way that you treat him!!! I am a bitch and I don't treat people that way, especially family...he is our son for crying out loud!!!!! Your reign of control, using and taking advantage is about to come to a screeching halt! I hope you got your seat belt on!! I don't lose....I don't give up...I win. You can't treat people this way. Not on my watch. See how far that shit gets you in life.
Good Luck, Your DIL
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Wee Bit Wednesday
Wee Bit Wednesday Time!!
Link up here to play along!!
{one} scruffy or clean shaven?
For sure scruffy:)
{two} what’s your favorite sundae topping?
Ummm, carmel!
{three} do you own slippers?
Yep, don't wear them tho. I consider my flip flops my slippers!
{four} did you ever have a tree house?
Nope, I would love to have one for my daughter tho!
{five} how you do relieve stress?
{six} what’s your favorite dr. seuss book?
Green Eggs and Ham
{seven} have you ever taken dance classes?
Nope, I should have. I love to dance...or I used to.
{eight} which do you use more: the thesaurus or the dictionary?
{nine} what’s your favorite form of exercise?
It used to run but not anymore. I do chase after my daughter, if that counts!
{ten} what’s the longest you’ve ever waited in line?
I have no idea. I am pretty impatient these days.
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Link up here to play along!!
{one} scruffy or clean shaven?
For sure scruffy:)
{two} what’s your favorite sundae topping?
Ummm, carmel!
{three} do you own slippers?
Yep, don't wear them tho. I consider my flip flops my slippers!
{four} did you ever have a tree house?
Nope, I would love to have one for my daughter tho!
{five} how you do relieve stress?
{six} what’s your favorite dr. seuss book?
Green Eggs and Ham
{seven} have you ever taken dance classes?
Nope, I should have. I love to dance...or I used to.
{eight} which do you use more: the thesaurus or the dictionary?
{nine} what’s your favorite form of exercise?
It used to run but not anymore. I do chase after my daughter, if that counts!
{ten} what’s the longest you’ve ever waited in line?
I have no idea. I am pretty impatient these days.
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Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sick :(
I am tired of the sickness. I was home sick yesterday and today my baby girl is sick. We were up pretty much all night. She was miserable. I took her to the Dr this morning and she has strep with a nice lil upper respiratory infection. I hate it so much when she is sick. I hate it even more when there are high fevers involved. It is so scary for lil ones to have high fevers. I am just ready for her to feel better. While we were at the Dr office I noticed at she was getting these lil red splotches all around her mouth and on her cheeks. The Dr said that sometimes happens with strep. I did not know that. I guess that you learn something new everyday. I just wish that about the sickness that my baby girl has. She started her antibiotics today at lunch time, so I am hoping that we have a better night tonight. I have got to get back to work tomorrow. I guess that my Mom could have took her to the Dr today but I really don't like to leave her when she is sick and she does not want me to leave her either. I guess that it is just one of those Momma things. I just want her to feel better. She picked out a Barbie movie out of the Red Box and several cans of Toy Story chicken noodle soup at the store and she has not got out of the bed since we got home from the Dr.and that is saying a lot for her. She is usually non stop till the time she goes to bed. Time to watch the Barbie movie again. :)
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Saturday, March 12, 2011
This windy weather is killing me. I have pretty much felt like crap all day long!! My allergies are terrible!! I have been doped up on benadryl most of the day. I really can't believe that I have not passed out yet. And wouldn't you know that my nose is still all stuffy and my eyes are still swollen, itchy and watery! I hate this crap! I really wish that I did not have allergies!! Well I assume that it is allergies. I hope that I am not coming down with something else! That would not be cool....not at all!! I am about to pass clean out. Time for this sick chick to get some rest! I hope that I am free from all of this crap in the morning!!!
Night night y'all! Oh yea I almost forgot....Time changes tonight!!! Goodbye sweet hour of sleep that I really wish that I was not going to lose and never get back!:(
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Night night y'all! Oh yea I almost forgot....Time changes tonight!!! Goodbye sweet hour of sleep that I really wish that I was not going to lose and never get back!:(
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Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday Fun!!
I was off work today! Abby and I got to hang out all day! I love when I get to spend time with my baby girl all day long. We got up early this morning because we had to take Aunt Mel-Mel and Aunt Michelle to the locAl air port so that they could pick up their rental car for their trip. We got all ready to go and then my car would not start. Yep it sucked. The battery was dead and there was no re-charging it either. My car is a 2005 and I bought it new, the same battery that it came with was still on it. So after we got back from taking them to get their rental car, we had to go spend flipping $95 bucks on a new battery!! Ugh, that is some crazy business. What the heck?? But hey what can you do?? I had to have it so I had to fork out the money! My Mom came and picked Abby and I up and we got the new battery and thank goodness my car started right up!! Then us girls headed to Wichita to get somethings for Justin's birthday party. We are having a lil surprise party for him at my Moms house on Sunday. My Mom is making her famous, homemade fajita pizza, along with some other pizza favs!!! I am sure that we will have a wonderful time. I hope that Abby is able to keep a secret from her Daddy about the party!;) I guess that we will just have to wait and see. After we got out shopping done, Abby and I planted some flowers and put down some new chocolate brown mulch. I just love having my flower beds all clean and looking nice. Abby and I both had fun doing it too. It really a beautiful day. I could have done without all the wind but other than that it was lovely!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
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Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Wee Bit Wednesday
Link up here to play along.:)
{one} what color is your kitchen?
It is red and khaki! I love it.
{two} do you have a good luck charm?
Umm,no I don't think so.
{three} do you prefer to write with a pen or pencil?
If I have a pen that I really like then I prefer a pen.
{four} can you use chopsticks?
Yes, I actually used some just the other night. My Step Dad brought some to my baby girl that were all rubber banded up so she could use them. So now she is eating everything with them.:)
{five} do you prefer baths or showers?
I love to shower first then take a nice hot bath. Silly maybe?? But I don't want to be sitting in dirty water.
{six} what is your favorite salad dressing?
Hidden Valley Ranch all the time! Its my fav, I put it on everything.
{seven} can you sing the alphabet backwards?
Yep, I know this from a drunken night with some good friends.
{eight} do you have any allergies?
Yep, And the weather here has been killing me.
{nine} crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
{ten} have you ever hitch hiked?
Nope, but I have picked up a hitch hiker before. Me and my boyfriend at the time picked up this indian man. He was drunk, smelt like a bottle of Jack. He said that he and his wife had a fight and left. Crazy stuff. He was a nice guy...thank goodness!!
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{one} what color is your kitchen?
It is red and khaki! I love it.
{two} do you have a good luck charm?
Umm,no I don't think so.
{three} do you prefer to write with a pen or pencil?
If I have a pen that I really like then I prefer a pen.
{four} can you use chopsticks?
Yes, I actually used some just the other night. My Step Dad brought some to my baby girl that were all rubber banded up so she could use them. So now she is eating everything with them.:)
{five} do you prefer baths or showers?
I love to shower first then take a nice hot bath. Silly maybe?? But I don't want to be sitting in dirty water.
{six} what is your favorite salad dressing?
Hidden Valley Ranch all the time! Its my fav, I put it on everything.
{seven} can you sing the alphabet backwards?
Yep, I know this from a drunken night with some good friends.
{eight} do you have any allergies?
Yep, And the weather here has been killing me.
{nine} crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
{ten} have you ever hitch hiked?
Nope, but I have picked up a hitch hiker before. Me and my boyfriend at the time picked up this indian man. He was drunk, smelt like a bottle of Jack. He said that he and his wife had a fight and left. Crazy stuff. He was a nice guy...thank goodness!!
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Monday, March 7, 2011
Ok, what does family mean to you??
Family means many things to many people. To some it is important to others not so much. Families come in all shapes and sizes. Family can mean a family of 4 or a family of 52. (yes I use that number quite often and no its not my fav number. I guess its just my go to number!)So I am going to share little bit about my family and what they mean to me. But first I will tell you where all this has came from. It is a long story but I am not going into all of it, I will give the short and not so sweet verison.
My husband is not close with his family. His Mother does not have much to do with us. It was not always like this but has been since our daughter was born. She is not the reasonshe does not come around, that just happen to be when we decided that we would not subject our child to the things that go on there. I cant say that I am the best daughter in law....well because Im not but, I can tell you that I am the best Mom and Wife that I can be. And well, if that makes me a bad daughter in law then so be it. It is veryhard for my husband to have a relationship with his Mother when she is so consumed with his siblings. His Mother is what I call a "fixer". The more they need her the better. The more someone depends on her the better. If you have a drug problem then you are her play thing. She will say that sheis helping you out but really she is just helping supply you with the drugs that you "need". I feel sorry for her and the life that she has chosen to live. It breaks my heart for my husband everyday. She is missing out on seeing our lil family bloom. She has already missed so much. Want to know what is really sad?? I think that this will be how it is with her from now till forever. What a life!!
I will start off by saying that family means the world to me. There is nothing better than knowing that you always have someone there for you at any given time. We have a very close family and I would not have it any other way.
My Mom is my best friend. She is always my go to girl when I need to chat. There is nothing I cant tell my Mom. I pray that Abby and I have a relationship this great. My Mom and I have always been close. When I was younger some may have said I was a "Daddys Girl" but I can tell you that I am a major Mommas Girl and I love it. My Mom, Step Dad, and two brothers live in The same town I do, so it is very easy for us to keep in touch. Let me just say that we pretty much see my fam every single day and if for some reason I dont, I talk to them. Some think that is a little weird but I can tell you that it is more weird to me when people dont get to see their family or dont want to spend time with them. Since the day Abby was born she has been the light in all of our eyes and even if I had 52 kids (yep I used it again)I would have not problem being "fair" to them. I dont understand how a parent could show such a difference in the way they treat their kids. It leaves me at a loss. My Mom loves us all the same. She adores us all. We all have good and not so good qualities and they make us who we are. She loves me for me and the same goes for my brothers. There was never any difference! Ever! I guess that it has alot to do with the way you are raised. I was always brought up knowing that we had a close family and I have always liked it that way. Now when I am taking about "My Family" I am talking about My Moms side of the family. We are all very close. My brothers and I have a very good relationship and I would not have it any other way. They both mean so much to me and I am so happy that they are such a big part of Abby's life!!
As far as my Dads family...ummm yea not close. I am not sure when it really happened but I just remember seeing people for their true colors and things not being the same after that. My Dads Mom is one who will love one child more than she loves the other and I lived with that for many many years and I hated it. I knew at a young age that I would never be able to be "as good" as my cousin, when it came to my Nanna. So I guess that we both just moved on. Now anytime that I around her I feel so lost and uneasy. She is pretty much a stranger to me. I can count on just about 1 hand how many times that I have seen her since my daughter was born and she is 5! And she only lives an hour away. It is sad. Does if bother me?? Honestly, not so much. Why? Because of the way she treated me when I was younger and still does anytime that I have been around her since. She hasnot a clue if I am a good Mother or what kind of woman I am. She knows nothing about my daughter or my husband and that is just how it is.
I do talk to my Dad atleast once a week and I see him usually once a month. His idea of a good relationship is buying you what you want. Yes it is nice to have my Dad take me shopping but sometimes I just want to hangout with him and not be walking all over the mall or where ever trying to spend his money. He is doing the same thing with Abby. He always has to buy her some big, very costly thing jut to say that he did. Really???? That does not make you Grandpa of the year! I think that it was how he was raised maybe. That is how he did me when I was young. Buying me off. Then I just thought it was because he was a drunk but his is sober now and still does it. I really dont think that the has a clue. That is so sad to me. I guess that some things never change. I just want to be sure that my daughter does not grow up thinking that is the way things should be.
I am not proud about how things are with my Dads family but I feel that at this point in my life it is just best that things are this way. I will not have my daughter living her life thinking that she is not good enough. I am so blessed to have such a close knit family on my Moms side. :) They all adore Abby! And she adores them!
Everyone has issues with their family. This I know all too well. I just wish that my husband did not have the issues that he does with his. It really breaks my heart. He deserves to be treated so much better than he is. The thing is that he is not want any kind of conflict when it comes to his family. So they all know that and take full advantage of it. I think that family should not be the people that you have to keep you eye on, when it come to using and abusing. But in this case, that is exactly how it works. It is hard to be around people like this, even if they are his family.
All in all my family is very very important to me! I am very blessed that I have a wonderful, loving family that will always be here for Justin, Abby and I! I hope that Abby grows up feeling the same way I do about family. So I kinda just really ran with all this family business...sorry about that. And yes, I for sure rambled a lot. Sorry about that too. I just needed to get somethings off my chest.
Don't take the ones you love for granted!!!!!!!
Family means many things to many people. To some it is important to others not so much. Families come in all shapes and sizes. Family can mean a family of 4 or a family of 52. (yes I use that number quite often and no its not my fav number. I guess its just my go to number!)So I am going to share little bit about my family and what they mean to me. But first I will tell you where all this has came from. It is a long story but I am not going into all of it, I will give the short and not so sweet verison.
My husband is not close with his family. His Mother does not have much to do with us. It was not always like this but has been since our daughter was born. She is not the reasonshe does not come around, that just happen to be when we decided that we would not subject our child to the things that go on there. I cant say that I am the best daughter in law....well because Im not but, I can tell you that I am the best Mom and Wife that I can be. And well, if that makes me a bad daughter in law then so be it. It is veryhard for my husband to have a relationship with his Mother when she is so consumed with his siblings. His Mother is what I call a "fixer". The more they need her the better. The more someone depends on her the better. If you have a drug problem then you are her play thing. She will say that sheis helping you out but really she is just helping supply you with the drugs that you "need". I feel sorry for her and the life that she has chosen to live. It breaks my heart for my husband everyday. She is missing out on seeing our lil family bloom. She has already missed so much. Want to know what is really sad?? I think that this will be how it is with her from now till forever. What a life!!
I will start off by saying that family means the world to me. There is nothing better than knowing that you always have someone there for you at any given time. We have a very close family and I would not have it any other way.
My Mom is my best friend. She is always my go to girl when I need to chat. There is nothing I cant tell my Mom. I pray that Abby and I have a relationship this great. My Mom and I have always been close. When I was younger some may have said I was a "Daddys Girl" but I can tell you that I am a major Mommas Girl and I love it. My Mom, Step Dad, and two brothers live in The same town I do, so it is very easy for us to keep in touch. Let me just say that we pretty much see my fam every single day and if for some reason I dont, I talk to them. Some think that is a little weird but I can tell you that it is more weird to me when people dont get to see their family or dont want to spend time with them. Since the day Abby was born she has been the light in all of our eyes and even if I had 52 kids (yep I used it again)I would have not problem being "fair" to them. I dont understand how a parent could show such a difference in the way they treat their kids. It leaves me at a loss. My Mom loves us all the same. She adores us all. We all have good and not so good qualities and they make us who we are. She loves me for me and the same goes for my brothers. There was never any difference! Ever! I guess that it has alot to do with the way you are raised. I was always brought up knowing that we had a close family and I have always liked it that way. Now when I am taking about "My Family" I am talking about My Moms side of the family. We are all very close. My brothers and I have a very good relationship and I would not have it any other way. They both mean so much to me and I am so happy that they are such a big part of Abby's life!!
As far as my Dads family...ummm yea not close. I am not sure when it really happened but I just remember seeing people for their true colors and things not being the same after that. My Dads Mom is one who will love one child more than she loves the other and I lived with that for many many years and I hated it. I knew at a young age that I would never be able to be "as good" as my cousin, when it came to my Nanna. So I guess that we both just moved on. Now anytime that I around her I feel so lost and uneasy. She is pretty much a stranger to me. I can count on just about 1 hand how many times that I have seen her since my daughter was born and she is 5! And she only lives an hour away. It is sad. Does if bother me?? Honestly, not so much. Why? Because of the way she treated me when I was younger and still does anytime that I have been around her since. She hasnot a clue if I am a good Mother or what kind of woman I am. She knows nothing about my daughter or my husband and that is just how it is.
I do talk to my Dad atleast once a week and I see him usually once a month. His idea of a good relationship is buying you what you want. Yes it is nice to have my Dad take me shopping but sometimes I just want to hangout with him and not be walking all over the mall or where ever trying to spend his money. He is doing the same thing with Abby. He always has to buy her some big, very costly thing jut to say that he did. Really???? That does not make you Grandpa of the year! I think that it was how he was raised maybe. That is how he did me when I was young. Buying me off. Then I just thought it was because he was a drunk but his is sober now and still does it. I really dont think that the has a clue. That is so sad to me. I guess that some things never change. I just want to be sure that my daughter does not grow up thinking that is the way things should be.
I am not proud about how things are with my Dads family but I feel that at this point in my life it is just best that things are this way. I will not have my daughter living her life thinking that she is not good enough. I am so blessed to have such a close knit family on my Moms side. :) They all adore Abby! And she adores them!
Everyone has issues with their family. This I know all too well. I just wish that my husband did not have the issues that he does with his. It really breaks my heart. He deserves to be treated so much better than he is. The thing is that he is not want any kind of conflict when it comes to his family. So they all know that and take full advantage of it. I think that family should not be the people that you have to keep you eye on, when it come to using and abusing. But in this case, that is exactly how it works. It is hard to be around people like this, even if they are his family.
All in all my family is very very important to me! I am very blessed that I have a wonderful, loving family that will always be here for Justin, Abby and I! I hope that Abby grows up feeling the same way I do about family. So I kinda just really ran with all this family business...sorry about that. And yes, I for sure rambled a lot. Sorry about that too. I just needed to get somethings off my chest.
Don't take the ones you love for granted!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Weekend Wrap Up
It has been a super wonderful weekend!
We headed to Dallas on Friday and had a great day and night. We had a wonderful meal in the hotel that we stayed at then went swimming in the indoor pool. Abby was in heaven an dso was I while I was in the hot tub! It was so wonderful! Then we headed to the local WalMart to get a game for us all to play. Abby picked out Pop the Pig. We played that about 52 times and then wen to sleep. Justin had to get up about 6 to head to take his test, so Abby and I got to sleep in for a while. It was nice. Oncewe got up and around we had a perfect breakfast date-just the two of us. Perfect girl time for us. After Justin got back from taking his test we got eerything together and headed back to Burk! It was not a long trip but it was just enough time for us to get away for a bit.
Last night Mel, Michelle, and the girls came over to hang out. Justin went to bed, he was pretty worn out from the test and the driving. Abby played with the girls and Mel,Michelle and I just hung out and talked till sometime after 10. I was pretty worn out myself and was r
S ready for bed by that time. I am seriously the worst traveler ever! I am not kidding. It just really wears me out. After they left I took my meds and Abby and I went to bed! She was asleep as soon as her head hot the pillow! Me on the other took a while. I think that I played on the Ipad till freaking midnight. I hate when you are soooo tired but as soon as you lay down you can't go to sleep. Blahh.
Today I had not planned on doing much of anything but my Mom called me this morning and wanted to know if Abby and I wanted to go with her to we did.we had no food in the house, so it was "have to" trip! So all the shopping is done and now I am doing laundry...I am sure it will take me all damn day.
Right this second I am laying on my bed watching Justin and Abby play in the dirt outside. So cute!! I. Love being on the outside looking in sometimes. Just watching the two of them plauing together makes me smile!!! It is a beautiful day and I am loving it!!
We headed to Dallas on Friday and had a great day and night. We had a wonderful meal in the hotel that we stayed at then went swimming in the indoor pool. Abby was in heaven an dso was I while I was in the hot tub! It was so wonderful! Then we headed to the local WalMart to get a game for us all to play. Abby picked out Pop the Pig. We played that about 52 times and then wen to sleep. Justin had to get up about 6 to head to take his test, so Abby and I got to sleep in for a while. It was nice. Oncewe got up and around we had a perfect breakfast date-just the two of us. Perfect girl time for us. After Justin got back from taking his test we got eerything together and headed back to Burk! It was not a long trip but it was just enough time for us to get away for a bit.
Last night Mel, Michelle, and the girls came over to hang out. Justin went to bed, he was pretty worn out from the test and the driving. Abby played with the girls and Mel,Michelle and I just hung out and talked till sometime after 10. I was pretty worn out myself and was r
S ready for bed by that time. I am seriously the worst traveler ever! I am not kidding. It just really wears me out. After they left I took my meds and Abby and I went to bed! She was asleep as soon as her head hot the pillow! Me on the other took a while. I think that I played on the Ipad till freaking midnight. I hate when you are soooo tired but as soon as you lay down you can't go to sleep. Blahh.
Today I had not planned on doing much of anything but my Mom called me this morning and wanted to know if Abby and I wanted to go with her to we did.we had no food in the house, so it was "have to" trip! So all the shopping is done and now I am doing laundry...I am sure it will take me all damn day.
Right this second I am laying on my bed watching Justin and Abby play in the dirt outside. So cute!! I. Love being on the outside looking in sometimes. Just watching the two of them plauing together makes me smile!!! It is a beautiful day and I am loving it!!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Yay for my Friday!!!
So I am home and just waiting on the hubby to get home. I am fixing to get our bag packed and get everything together. I am more than ready to get out of town.
I think that we are gonna go out to my Moms tonight and see Pops (my Step Dad) he has been out of town all week and Abby is missing him very very much!!! They are so close. I just love it. He has been such a blessing in my life and he thinks the world of my little girl! and she adores say the least. They are just two peas in a pod. I love to just sit and watch them play. They crack me up!!! I am so lucky to have the bestest family in the world.
I hope that everyone has a great weekend! Step, I will miss you tomorrow!!!
I think that we are gonna go out to my Moms tonight and see Pops (my Step Dad) he has been out of town all week and Abby is missing him very very much!!! They are so close. I just love it. He has been such a blessing in my life and he thinks the world of my little girl! and she adores say the least. They are just two peas in a pod. I love to just sit and watch them play. They crack me up!!! I am so lucky to have the bestest family in the world.
I hope that everyone has a great weekend! Step, I will miss you tomorrow!!!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tomorrow is my Friday!!!!!
Whoop! Whoop! Tomorrow is my Friday!! Just the thought of it makes me smile from ear to ear. We willbe heading to Dallas sometime Friday morning. We are staying in a hotel that is really close to the new Dallas Stadium!!! I have not seen it yet and I am pretty excited about it. I love the Cowboys so very much....even if they had a shitty season last year. Hey it happens to the best of them. So while we are in that neck of the woods, we may see about a tour or something.:) Tour or not it makes no difference to me. I am just ready to get outta town for a bit.
So forever ago my weeding ring broke and I have yet to take it in and get it fixed. Yes I know there is no excuse that I can come up with for not taking it to get fixed for all this time. But Justin picked me out a new wedding seg and ordered it and I got it in today. I love it. I feel like a newly wed!! Hahaha! Not really a newly wed but it does feel nice to have a ring back! I will try and post a pic of it tomorrow. I love love love it! Seriously I dont know what his deal is the past few weeks but he is really spoiling me more than usual! I a mnot complaining or anything but just saying. It is nice to be spoiled every once in a while:)
Well Abby and I are about to watch Tinkerbell!! I love my life!!!!
So forever ago my weeding ring broke and I have yet to take it in and get it fixed. Yes I know there is no excuse that I can come up with for not taking it to get fixed for all this time. But Justin picked me out a new wedding seg and ordered it and I got it in today. I love it. I feel like a newly wed!! Hahaha! Not really a newly wed but it does feel nice to have a ring back! I will try and post a pic of it tomorrow. I love love love it! Seriously I dont know what his deal is the past few weeks but he is really spoiling me more than usual! I a mnot complaining or anything but just saying. It is nice to be spoiled every once in a while:)
Well Abby and I are about to watch Tinkerbell!! I love my life!!!!
Wee Bit Wednesday
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
2 Down....2 More To Go!!
So work was...well just work. Nothing out of the norm happen today. It was a pretty busy afternoon, which is kinda nice.since it was busy with all the scheduling that means that I will have plenty to do tomorrow,:) I would much rather be busy than waiting on things to do.
So ever now and then I get into a funk for a while and I have mentioned it before, but I think that I am backin it once again. I have just been blahh the past couple of days. I can't really put my finger on what my problem is but I am sure it will pass. I am pretty excited about being off work on Friday and just spending sometime away from everything. It will only be one night in Dallas but it will be fun. And something different. I think that Abby is pretty excited too. She loves pulling her little princess suitcase that has wheels. Haha. She is always looking for a reason to get it out. Hell I think that she would take it everywhere if I would let her. She is already planning what she will put in it. Just for the record-it will be full of toys. She is not at all worried about clothes. She is worried that she won't have enoughroom for all her Toy Story dolls. Man, to be a kid again...only having to worry about where I was gonna put my toys!!!
Oh what the hell is up with me not sleeping good the past few nights??? Ughhhh, I really hope that tonight is the night that I get that crazy good sleep. You know where you go to sleep, wake up like an hour later and think that you have been asleep for like 6 flippin hours!!!!! I have not had that kind of sleep in forever...and I need it and want it. Heck it has been taking me like freaking 2 hours just to fall asleep. That just wears me out and what makes it worse is that as soon as my Hubby lays down in the bed and his head hits the pillow, he is asleep. Its like he does not even have to try or something. I have to like work at going to sleep. It is so not fair! And poor Abby is just like me. It takes her forever to go to sleep. I used to never have a problem sleeping. I could sleep anywhere at anytime. Now not so much!! That is something that I miss the most about being a teenager....sleeping all day long and loving every bit of it!!!!! Speaking of sleep I think I am gonna try to go there!!!!!
So ever now and then I get into a funk for a while and I have mentioned it before, but I think that I am backin it once again. I have just been blahh the past couple of days. I can't really put my finger on what my problem is but I am sure it will pass. I am pretty excited about being off work on Friday and just spending sometime away from everything. It will only be one night in Dallas but it will be fun. And something different. I think that Abby is pretty excited too. She loves pulling her little princess suitcase that has wheels. Haha. She is always looking for a reason to get it out. Hell I think that she would take it everywhere if I would let her. She is already planning what she will put in it. Just for the record-it will be full of toys. She is not at all worried about clothes. She is worried that she won't have enoughroom for all her Toy Story dolls. Man, to be a kid again...only having to worry about where I was gonna put my toys!!!
Oh what the hell is up with me not sleeping good the past few nights??? Ughhhh, I really hope that tonight is the night that I get that crazy good sleep. You know where you go to sleep, wake up like an hour later and think that you have been asleep for like 6 flippin hours!!!!! I have not had that kind of sleep in forever...and I need it and want it. Heck it has been taking me like freaking 2 hours just to fall asleep. That just wears me out and what makes it worse is that as soon as my Hubby lays down in the bed and his head hits the pillow, he is asleep. Its like he does not even have to try or something. I have to like work at going to sleep. It is so not fair! And poor Abby is just like me. It takes her forever to go to sleep. I used to never have a problem sleeping. I could sleep anywhere at anytime. Now not so much!! That is something that I miss the most about being a teenager....sleeping all day long and loving every bit of it!!!!! Speaking of sleep I think I am gonna try to go there!!!!!
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